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The medical examination of occupational diseases were not detected in the results and found that a number of clinical disease or other abnormal item, see the results page


The clinical and laboratory findings of 2197 cases of systemic lupus erythematosus were reviewed and analyzed to reveal the abnormal incidence of each item and their value and specificify for the diagosis of the disease,Accor- ding to the realistic conditions of our country and the experience of many authors, a new set of diagnostic criteria for SLE was established and systematized into a computer program.


Results In those patients with marrow invasion , 4 cases in I phase(4.2%),12 cases in II phase(12.6%),36 cases in Ⅲ phase(37.9%)and 43 cases in Ⅳ phase(47.4%);small lymphocytic、diffuse cleaved cell、lymphoblastic lymphoma are main pathologic types;patients with mediastinal lymphadenectasis、splenomegaly and spleen violations are prone to catch bone marrow involvement;56 cases of anemia in patients with bone marrow involuement(58.9%), 42 patients with thrombocytopenia (44.2%),27 cases with leukopenia (28.4%),49 cases of patients leukocyte increased (51.6%),so,anemia is common;three were 30 cases with three items abnormal(31.6%)and 65 cases with one item abnormal at least (68.4%),the incidence of abnormal peripheral blood in leukocythemia patients were higher than that in patients with bone marrow infiltration,Particularly the patients with increased leukocyte or three items abnormalities were more common in leukemia; Abnormal cells in peripheral blood were observed in 66 cases (69.5%); chemotherapy efficiency reached 65.2% in the patients with bone marrow involuement,the median survival time was 11.5 months.

结果发生骨髓侵犯病例中I期4例(4.2%), II期12例(12.6%),Ⅲ期36例(37.9%),Ⅳ期43例(47.4%);病理类型以小淋巴细胞性,弥漫型裂细胞性(改为:弥漫性大B细胞型淋巴瘤)和淋巴母细胞性淋巴瘤多见;纵隔淋巴结肿大、脾脏肿大和脾受侵患者易发生骨髓侵犯;骨髓侵犯患者外周血中贫血56例(58.9%),血小板减少42例(44.2%),白细胞减少27例(28.4%),白细胞增高49例(51.6%),以贫血多见;三项均异常30例(31.6%),至少一项不正常65例(68.4%),淋巴瘤细胞白血病患者外周血象异常发生率高于骨髓浸润患者,尤其是白细胞增高或三项均异常者更常见于白血病;66例(69.5%)外周血分类中发现异常细胞;骨髓侵犯化疗有效率65.2%,中位生存期11.5个月。

Results In those patients with marrow invasion , 4 cases in I phase(4.2%),12 cases in II phase(12.6%),36 cases in Ⅲ phase(37.9%)and 43 cases in Ⅳ phase(47.4%);small lymphocytic、diffuse cleaved cell、lymphoblastic lymphoma are main pathologic types;patients with mediastinal lymphadenectasis、splenomegaly and spleen violations are prone to catch bone marrow involvement;56 cases of anemia in patients with bone marrow involuement(58.9%)恶性淋巴瘤症状, 42 patients with thrombocytopenia (44.2%),27 cases with leukopenia (28.4%),49 cases of patients leukocyte increased (51.6%),so,anemia is common;three were 30 cases with three items abnormal(31.6%)and 65 cases with one item abnormal at least (68.4%),the incidence of abnormal peripheral blood in leukocythemia patients were higher than that in patients with bone marrow infiltration,Particularly the patients with increased leukocyte or three items abnormalities were more common in leukemia; Abnormal cells in peripheral blood were observed in 66 cases (69.5%); chemotherapy efficiency reached 65.2% in the patients with bone marrow involuement,the median survival time was 11.5 months.

结果发生骨髓侵犯病例中I期4例(4.2%), II期12例(12.6%),Ⅲ期36例(37.9%)恶性淋巴瘤分期,Ⅳ期43例(47.4%);病理类型以小淋巴细胞性,弥漫型裂细胞性(改为:弥漫性大B细胞型淋巴瘤)和淋巴母细胞性淋巴瘤多见;纵隔淋巴结肿大、脾脏肿大和脾受侵患者易发生骨髓侵犯;骨髓侵犯患者外周血中贫血56例(58.9%),血小板减少42例(44.2%),白细胞减少27例(28.4%),白细胞增高49例(51.6%),以贫血多见;三项均异常30例(31.6%),至少一项不正常65例(68.4%),淋巴瘤细胞白血病患者外周血象异常发生率高于骨髓浸润患者,尤其是白细胞增高或三项均异常者更常见于白血病;66例(69.5%)外周血分类中发现异常细胞;骨髓侵犯化疗有效率65.2%,中位生存期11.5个月。

Abstract] objective to discuss ultrasound diagnosis on fetal abnormal.methods we examined 1 231 example pregnant women carried on the prenatal with ultrasonography and the color ultrasonography.results picked out the fetal abnormal 9 examples,in which anencephaly were 2 examples,the hydrocephalus 3 examples,the meningocele 1 example,the endocardial cushion defects 1 example,the ectopiacordis accompanied grastroschisis 1 example,the cleftlip 1 example.all patients were confirmed through induced labor.conclusion fetal abnormal ultrasonography image is typical,the careful inspection correct analysis can discover promptly,ultrasonography is the first method to inspect the fetalabnormal,may achieve the prompt discovery,prompt termination of pregnancy item.

目的 探讨超声检查对胎儿畸形的诊断价值。方法对1231例孕妇进行产前超声检查。结果检出胎儿畸形9例,其中无脑畸形2例,脑积水3例,脑膜膨出1例,心内膜垫缺损1例,心脏外翻并腹壁大缺损1例,唇裂1例。所有患者均经引产后证实。结论胎儿畸形的声像图比较典型,细心检查正确分析能及时发现,超声是检查胎儿畸形的首选方法,可达到及时发现及时终止妊娠的目的。


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Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
