英语人>网络例句>abnormal end 相关的网络例句
abnormal end相关的网络例句

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与 abnormal end 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ABnormal END, or ABortive END, or system "crash," and almost always very bad news.


For example, the roll elastic deformation breaks the statically determinate condition of roll system in duo mill, and this is the main reason of bearing longevity shortening and burning accident; in aluminium foil four-high mill roll system with a 1 mm gap, the ideal position kept by a 3 mm offset is out of effect, some phenomenon such as chock horizontal vibration, gyroscopic effect and micro dimensional dynamic cross happen in fact rolling process, abnormal super and partial load resulted by these is the main reason of the end thrust bearing accident; the thermal deformation of mill roll system accompanying the temperature raising not only changes the roller track age of rolling bearing, but also results a micro dimensional slow dynamic inverse cross that counteracts the gyroscopic effect in a degree.


Patients with abnormal diurnal blood pressure ariation were more likely to hae diabetic retinopathy and a higher urinary albumin excretion, both signs of adanced microascular end organ damage, the researchers note.


In this study, the architecture of the remote alert system is:(1) the inner controller of the factory mechanical equipment connects to the webpage control server,(2) the webpage control server conveys the operation state of the equipment controller to the remote alert system by the network,(3) the fore-end process module of the alert system receives the equipment abnormal messages, according to the user define parameters, the rear-end process module of the alert system issues the alert.


Although the pathogenesis of keloid disease is not well understood, it is considered to be the end product of an abnormal healing process.


However, IH on the floor of the host artery has been thought to be entirely due to the abnormal flow patterns created as the blood flows from the graft into the artery, impinging on the floor of the junction. Such flow behaviour is unphysiological, as end-to-side junctions do not occur naturally in adults.

End-to-side 搭桥模型是自然生理条件下不存在的,在这里,血液从搭桥血管流向主动脉时,血流直接冲撞到吻合口对应底面上,这种流动模式是自然生理条件不存在的。

Different climate change in west and east part of north China in recent years is major reason for this phenomenon, not vegetation cover, but degenerated vegetation cover, corresponding to abnormal droughty climate during these period, is one of reasons for abnormally high dust activity in the end of 9Os'in Huabei Plain.


ARDS occurs more frequently in patients with preeclampsia/eclampsia, once patients show tachypnea and abnormal arterial blood gas, ARDS should be attentioned, the key treatment is comprehensive management leading by inspiring oxygen with pressure support ventilation by non invasive ventilator with a positive-end expiratory pressure should be used earlier.


The abnormal winter and spring snow coyer over the Tibetan Plateau can affect the atmospheric circulation and Asian summer monsoon precipitation in terms of changing ground surface albedo, temperature and thermal condition, absorbing heat and increasing the soil moisture through melting process at the end of spring.


In the end of this thesis, the data independent detection model of exchange ratedata stream is built. Then, the algorithm provided in this thesis is used on the model to solve the problem of detecting the abnormal data block in exchange rate data stream. Experimental data are also provided.


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