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与 Godard 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I think that for every movie I make, I always try to duplicate that feeling of purity and innocence that I got when I saw this movie,'' he said.''I bring in Western drama. I bring in metaphor. I bring in Jean-Luc Godard. Whatever I bring in to my own films, I am forever trying to update and recapture that feeling.


In the grip of crushes I have learned Italian, sat through Godard films and bought a lot of expensive underwear.;/6forum.liuxuehome.com .

我处于极度兴奋状态。神魂颠倒之际,我学了意大利语,看了戈达尔的电影,买了很多昂贵的内衣。;/6forum.liuxuehome.com 。

Bertolucci titles his film "The Dreamers," I think, because his characters are dreaming, until the brick through the window shatters their cocoon, and the real world of tear gas and Molotov cocktails enters their lives. It is clear now that Godard and sexual liberation were never going to change the world.

我认为, Bertolucci 将影片命名为《梦想家》是因为剧中的三个主角一开始都生活在理想化的梦幻生活中,直到从窗外飞掷进来的那块砖打破了他们与世隔绝的蚕茧状态,把他们从梦想拉回到了充满燃烧弹和 Molotov 鸡尾酒的真实生活中。

The next year, so that - Luc Godard filmed the campaign's leading film "exhausted", is a romantic and desperate stories of young people offer an apology, which consists of Francis Truffaut screenplay.


To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel,"Aime Pache, Painter from the Vaud," and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard's own life and work.

两位导演受到瑞士文化节的委托拍摄影片,改编一部著名的瑞士传记小说《Aime Pache, Painter from the Vaud》(Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, 1911),将主角人物画家Aime Pache前往巴黎学画后返乡的故事,与高达自己的作品与人生经历做类比。

To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel,"Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,"and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard's own life and work.

两位导演受到瑞士文化节的委托拍摄影片,改编一部著名的瑞士传记小说《Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud》(Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, 1911),将主角人物画家Aimé Pache前往巴黎学画后返乡的故事,与高达自己的作品与人生经历做类比。

By contrast Violence at Noon, like a Soviet silent film, builds up a narrative from some 1500 separate shots, while Diary of a Shinjuku Thief (Shinjuku dorobo nikki, 1968) intersperses scenes of apparent improvisation with text inserts. The latter film, one of the Japanese cinema's most remarkable expositions of the spirit of 1968, is of all Oshima's films the most obviously influenced by Godard.

与之形成鲜明对照的是,《白昼的恶魔》将叙事构建在大约1500个独立的镜头之上,仿佛一部苏联默片;而《新宿小偷日记》(Diary of a Shinjuku Thief,1968)在明显是即兴之作的场景间点缀插入了文本,堪称日本电影中最出色地展现出1968年精神的影片之一的《新宿小偷日记》,也是大岛渚全部作品中受戈达尔影响最为明显的一部。

The narrators of Truffaut and Godard can be classified into overtnarrators and covert ones according to the extent of perception. From the aspectof overt narrators, Truffaut is good at using poetic language, while Godardis skillful in using essayistic language to express .


The artists are big fans of Jean Luc Godard's films, which are regarded as something flighty, feigned and flatulent. Behind the face of pretense, however, the director seriously lashed the so-called classical culture of the time. Now, these two local newspapers robbers, like self-taught guerilla soldiers, turn their eyes from the city news pages to imitate their stories and produced them into Wuhan folk postcards, putting them beside the newspapers and letting us read and compare for ourselves.


The films of Resnais and Godard, even when adaptations, placed themselves clearly in a modernist tradition,…The Cahiers group followed the path blazed by the Nouveau Roman and recognized Jean Cocteau as their godfather.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
