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Alexander Pope相关的网络例句

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与 Alexander Pope 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Modern examples, modeled on Greek and Roman epistles, are the poetic epistles of Alexander Pope and Voltaire.

现代的例子,仿照希腊和罗马的书信,是诗的书信的蒲伯和Voltaire 。

What's more, you'll find quotations from over 8,000 authors, from Alexander Pope to Kazuo Ishiguro, illustrating the development of the language over the centuries.


Representative writers of this period are John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Jonathan Swift and Samuel Johnson.


Just as Alexander Pope said: Act well your part, there all honor lies.


From rank to rank she darts her ardent eyes- Alexander Pope; frightened by his ardent burning eyes .


Kauffmann survives, but many of the others are now obscure outside academia: Elizabeth Montagu, a critic—"Queen of the Blues", as Dr Johnson dubbed her—whose portrait by Allan Ramsay shows her looking faintly amused in a froth of lace and pink silk, leaning on a volume by David Hume, the Scottish philosopher and historian; or Anna Seward, a poet who is portrayed turning a page in her Milton—plainly waiting to get back to it; or Elizabeth Carter, poet, classicist, rival of Alexander Pope and translator of Epictetus, helmeted as Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, and carrying a volume of Plato.

经过历史的涤荡,考芙曼的声誉不减当年。而其他的女学者除了在学术界尚有影响以外,已逐渐变得鲜为人知。比如批评家伊丽莎白·蒙塔古。他被约翰森博士称为。在Allan Ramsay为她所做的肖像画上,她身着镶有泡状蕾丝的粉色丝质衣衫,斜斜地倚在由苏格兰哲学家和历史家大卫·修所著的书册上,散发出了令人晕眩的美。再比如诗人安娜·西沃德。在画家笔下,她正在翻动手头的弥尔顿诗篇,很明显,她盼着继续阅读。又比如伊丽莎白·卡特。她既是位诗人,又是古典派作家,与亚历山大·蒲柏齐名,她翻译了的作品。在画中,她扮成智慧女神米诺娃的样子,手执柏拉图的书卷。

The Rape of the Lock is a mock-heroic narrative poem by the famous 18~ century poet Alexander Pope,who adopted the "machinery",so called by critics,to construct a supernatural virtual world consisting of spirits,fairies,ghosts and demons.


Influence : See Alexander Pope, Victor Hugo - Note 1: Hermann Broch's The Death of Virgil (1945) is one of the great monuments of exile literature.

影响 :见蒲伯,维克多雨果-注1 :赫尔曼布罗赫的维吉尔之死( 1945年)是一个伟大的纪念碑的流亡文学。

"So heaven, atoned, shall dying Greece restore" Alexander Pope


The neoclassical period witnessed the flourish of English poetry in the classical style from Restoration to about the second half of the century,climaxing with John Dryden,Alexander Pope and the last standard-bearer of the school,Samuel Johnson.


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