歌词 "Who's Sorry Now?" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Who's Sorry Now?



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Who's sorry now, who's sorry now 谁的遗憾,现在,谁的遗憾,现在

Whose heart is achin' for breakin' each vow 谁的心脏是阿钦“的唱到每个誓言

Who's sad and blue, who's cryin' too 谁的悲哀和蓝色,谁在哭泣,太

Just like I cried over you. 就像我哭了你。


Right to the end, just like a friend 右到最后,就像朋友

I tried to warn you somehow 我试图以某种方式提醒你

You had your way, now you must pay 你有你的方式,现在你必须支付

I'm glad that you're sorry now. 我很高兴,你现在很抱歉。


Right to the end just like a friend 右到最后就像朋友

I tried to warn you somehow 我试图以某种方式提醒你

You had your way, now you must pay 你有你的方式,现在你必须支付

I'm glad that you're sorry now. 我很高兴,你现在很抱歉。


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歌词 Who's Sorry Now? 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/who_s-sorry-now-2/