歌词 "Up All Night" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Up All Night



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Can we talk about automatic satisfaction 我们可以谈论自动满意度

Sittin' back relaxin' floored 坐在我后面松弛素“地板

What's wrong with kickin it 什么地方错了就唱歌

When you're bored and lit 当你无聊点燃

Lets smoke some cigarettes 让我们抽一些烟

And catch up on the back porch 和追赶的后阳台

Fire up another roach 火起来的另一个蟑螂

We don't need a rest this is just a test 我们不需要休息,这只是一个测试

Cuz we're alright, we're up all night cuz我们是好的,我们整夜

To see the sun come up again now 看到太阳,现在再次出现

Just one more time no reason why 只是一次没有理由

To see the sun come up again. 看到太阳出来了。

The more we try to change 我们试着改变更多

The more we stay the same 我们住在同一越

We're caught up in the game and now 我们赶上了在游戏中,现在

Just like empty picture frames 就像空的相框

So now were to blame 所以,现在要怪

Said we were gettin down, on genesee and fountain 说我们刚开了下来,在杰纳和喷泉

Smelled another mountain now 现在闻到另一座山

If you aint gettin down, you'll come around 如果您是不是刚开了下来,你会来到我身边

And were alright, we're up all night 并且是正常的,我们整夜

To see the sun come up again now 看到太阳,现在再次出现

Just one more time, no reason why 只需一次,无理由

To see the sun come up again. 看到太阳出来了。

So lets smoke some cigarettes 因此,让一些吸烟香烟

And catch up on the back porch 和追赶的后阳台

Fire up another roach 火起来的另一个蟑螂

We don't need a rest, it's just a test 我们并不需要休息,这只是一个测试

And as the world spins we'll watch it with a grin 而作为世界旋转,我们将用微笑看着它

And look in as the day begins 并期待在作为一天的开始

Well now it's on again, it's dawn again. Yeah! Yeah! 现在好了,这是再次,它是黎明了。是啊!是啊!

And we're alright 我们很不错,

We're up all night 我们整夜

To see the sun come up again now 看到太阳,现在再次出现

Just one more time, no reason why 只需一次,无理由

To see the sun come up again 看到太阳再次出现

Yeah we're alright, yeah we're alright 是的,我们是还不错,是的,我们是正常的

Yeah we're alright, up all night 是的,我们是好的,通宵

Yeah we're alright, yeah we're alright 是的,我们是还不错,是的,我们是正常的

To see the sun come up again now! 看到太阳,现在再次出现!

歌词 Up All Night 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/up-all-night-17/

歌词 Up All Night 的作者与版权信息:


Wade Youman, Robert Brewer, Steven Morris, Scott Russo


Unwritten Music, WB Music Corp.