歌词 "Tonight On The Show (Truth Of The World Pt.1)" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Tonight On The Show (Truth Of The World Pt.1)



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Tonight on the show 今晚的节目

We got fashion, crimes, and war. 我们得到了时尚,罪和战争。

The news and a whole lot more 新闻和一大堆更多

For every boy and girl. This is Donovan Earl, 对于每一个男孩和女孩。这是多诺万伯爵,

Reporting for Truth of the World. 报告对世界的真理。


Believe what you hear 相信你听到的是什么

the doomsday sn is draing near. 末日SN为draing附近。

so you better fear but don't go anywhere, 所以你最好恐惧,但不要去任何地方,

we'll be right back with Truth of the World. 我们将与世界真相的右后卫。


Truth of the World, 世界的真相,

Put yor faith in us, 把侑信我们,

We're the ones you can trust. 我们是可以信任的人。


First story tonight, it's the war on terror 第一个故事,今晚,它是反恐战争

The war and of trail and error. 跟踪和错误的战争和。

It's for the good of the west. 这对西部地区的好。

Because we know we're the best. 因为我们知道,我们是最好的。

And it keeps you watching Truth of the World. 它让你看世界的真理。


We've all heard the warning, so called, "global warming." 我们都听过的警告,即所谓的“全球变暖”。

Sea level raised a metre, 海平面升高一米,

gas is twenty dollars a litre, 天然气是20块钱一升,

but who needed all that ice? 但谁需要所有的冰?

The way I see it, this heat is quite nice. 我看到它的样子,这种热量是相当不错的。


Winter's so passe, summer's here to stay, 冬季是如此过时了,夏天在这里留下来,

and what's hot this summer? 什么是热今年夏天?

It's the V12 Hummer, it's what gets you all the girls. 这是V12的悍马,这就是让你所有的女孩。

and it's brought to you by Truth of the World. 和它的赞助商由世界的真理。


Truth of the World, we got what you need, 世界的真相,我们得到了你所需要的,

satisfaction guaranteed. 满意度保证。

We're number one, for entertainment and fun 我们是第一,娱乐和乐趣

down the barrel of a gun. 下来的枪杆子。

We've got it all on Truth of the World. 我们已经得到了这一切的世界真相。


Truth of the World! 真理的世界!

We're bringing you the show from 我们为您带来的展会

the broadcast studio. 广播室。

We're coming to you live, 我们来给你住,

so tune to Channel Five. 所以调到第五频道。


And now a word from our sponsors, 而现在,从我们的赞助商一个字,

"We've got the miracle cure". “我们已经得到了灵丹妙药” 。

歌词 Tonight On The Show (Truth Of The World Pt.1) 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/tonight-on-the-show-truth-of-the-world-pt1/