歌词 "The 12 Days Of Christmas" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The 12 Days Of Christmas



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

On the first day of Christmas, 在圣诞节的第一天,

my true love sent to me 我的真爱送我

A partridge in a pear tree. 在梨树上的鹧鸪鸟。


On the second day of Christmas, 在圣诞节的第二天,

my true love sent to me 我的真爱送我

Two turtle doves, 两只鸽子,

And a partridge in a pear tree. 并在梨树上的鹧鸪。


On the third day of Christmas, 在圣诞节的第三天,

my true love sent to me 我的真爱送我

Three French hens, 三只法国母鸡,

Two turtle doves, 两只鸽子,

And a partridge in a pear tree. 并在梨树上的鹧鸪。


On the fourth day of Christmas, 在圣诞节的第四天,

my true love sent to me 我的真爱送我

Four calling birds, 四只鸣唱的鸟儿,

Three French hens, 三只法国母鸡,

Two turtle doves, 两只鸽子,

And a partridge in a pear tree. 并在梨树上的鹧鸪。


On the fifth day of Christmas, 在圣诞节的第五天,

my true love sent to me 我的真爱送我

Five golden rings, 五只金戒指,

Four calling birds, 四只鸣唱的鸟儿,

Three French hens, 三只法国母鸡,

Two turtle doves, 两只鸽子,

And a partridge in a pear tree. 并在梨树上的鹧鸪。


On the sixth day of Christmas, 在圣诞节的第六天,

my true love sent to me 我的真爱送我

Six geese a-laying, 六鹅A-铺设,

Five golden rings, 五只金戒指,

Four calling birds, 四只鸣唱的鸟儿,

Three French hens, 三只法国母鸡,

Two turtle doves, 两只鸽子,

And a partridge in a pear tree. 并在梨树上的鹧鸪。


On the seventh day of Christmas, 在圣诞节的第七天,

my true love sent to me 我的真爱送我

Seven swans a-swimming, 七天鹅游泳了,

Six geese a-laying, 六鹅A-铺设,

Five golden rings, 五只金戒指,

Four calling birds, 四只鸣唱的鸟儿,

Three French hens, 三只法国母鸡,

Two turtle doves, 两只鸽子,

And a partridge in a pear tree. 并在梨树上的鹧鸪。


On the eighth day of Christmas, 在圣诞节的第八天,

my true love sent to me 我的真爱送我

Eight maids a-milking, 八女佣A-挤奶,

Seven swans a-swimming, 七天鹅游泳了,

Six geese a-laying, 六鹅A-铺设,

Five golden rings, 五只金戒指,

Four calling birds, 四只鸣唱的鸟儿,

Three French hens, 三只法国母鸡,

Two turtle doves, 两只鸽子,

And a partridge in a pear tree. 并在梨树上的鹧鸪。


On the ninth day of Christmas, 在圣诞节的第九天,

my true love sent to me 我的真爱送我

Nine ladies dancing, 九跳舞的女士,

Eight maids a-milking, 八女佣A-挤奶,

Seven swans a-swimming, 七天鹅游泳了,

Six geese a-laying, 六鹅A-铺设,

Five golden rings, 五只金戒指,

Four calling birds, 四只鸣唱的鸟儿,

Three French hens, 三只法国母鸡,

Two turtle doves, 两只鸽子,

And a partridge in a pear tree. 并在梨树上的鹧鸪。


On the tenth day of Christmas, 在圣诞节的第十天,

my true love sent to me 我的真爱送我

Ten lords a-leaping, 十大领主A-跳跃,

Nine ladies dancing, 九跳舞的女士,

Eight maids a-milking, 八女佣A-挤奶,

Seven swans a-swimming, 七天鹅游泳了,

Six geese a-laying, 六鹅A-铺设,

Five golden rings, 五只金戒指,

Four calling birds, 四只鸣唱的鸟儿,

Three French hens, 三只法国母鸡,

Two turtle doves, 两只鸽子,

And a partridge in a pear tree. 并在梨树上的鹧鸪。


On the eleventh day of Christmas, 在圣诞节的第十一天,

my true love sent to me 我的真爱送我

Eleven pipers piping, 十一风笛管道,

Ten lords a-leaping, 十大领主A-跳跃,

Nine ladies dancing, 九跳舞的女士,

Eight maids a-milking, 八女佣A-挤奶,

Seven swans a-swimming, 七天鹅游泳了,

Six geese a-laying, 六鹅A-铺设,

Five golden rings, 五只金戒指,

Four calling birds, 四只鸣唱的鸟儿,

Three French hens, 三只法国母鸡,

Two turtle doves, 两只鸽子,

And a partridge in a pear tree. 并在梨树上的鹧鸪。


On the twelfth day of Christmas, 在圣诞节的第十二天,

my true love sent to me 我的真爱送我

Twelve drummers drumming, 十二鼓手击鼓,

Eleven pipers piping, 十一风笛管道,

Ten lords a-leaping, 十大领主A-跳跃,

Nine ladies dancing, 九跳舞的女士,

Eight maids a-milking, I'm getting tired! (chit chat) 八女佣A-挤奶,我累了! (聊)


Carolyn, did you get enough sleep last night? 卡罗琳,你有没有得到足够的睡眠昨晚?

1, 2, 3, 4! 1,2 ,3,4 !

Four calling birds, 四只鸣唱的鸟儿,

Three French hens, 三只法国母鸡,

Two turtle doves, 两只鸽子,

And a partridge in a pear tree! 并在梨树上的鹧鸪鸟!

歌词 The 12 Days Of Christmas 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-12-days-of-christmas-2/

歌词 The 12 Days Of Christmas 的作者与版权信息:


Matthew Arnold Thiessen


Universal Music - Brentwood Benson Songs