歌词 "Stash Up" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Stash Up



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Put your hands up 把你的手

This is a stash up 这是一个藏匿起来

Pull the trigger and you're gonna get mashed up [x4] 扣动扳机和你会得到混搭[ X4 ]


Check your ass up 检查你的屁股了

Smoke grass up 烟草了

and if you in the back then you gonna get passed up 如果你在后面,那么你会得到向上传递

Mateo better pass me that bong 刁也好过我,奉

The night is short and I've been waitin' too long 夜很短,我一直在等待着太长

To enter into another dimension 进入另一个维度

Pull the smoke into my lungs 拉烟进入我的肺

and release the tension 和释放张力

By the way did I happen to mention 顺便说做我碰巧提

how stash operates 如何藏匿运作

So start the dissection 因此,开始解剖


1 2 Don't forget your crew now 1 2 ,不要忘了你的船员,现在

3 4 Sit facin' the door 3 4坐facin “门

5 6 Never know when it hits 5 6不知道什么时候它击中

7 8 It's gonna be too late 7 8这会是为时已晚


Put your hands up 把你的手

This is a stash up 这是一个藏匿起来

Pull the trigger and you're gonna get mashed up [x4] 扣动扳机和你会得到混搭[ X4 ]


Now I dont give a fuck 现在,我不给他妈的

Not a single fuck 没有一个他妈的

Not a single solitary fuck 不是一个单一的孤立他妈的

Cause I don't give a fuck motherfucka [x2] 因为我不给他妈的motherfucka [X2]


Ring the alarm 响警报

And now the sound is dying 而现在的声音正在死去

Ring the alarm 响警报

And now the stash is creeping 而现在的藏匿处是匍匐


Psychological 心理

Past diabolical 过去的恶魔

Encrypted in code biological 加密代码的生物

Rejected 拒绝

Genetically defected 基因缺陷

Or maybe just slightly misdirected 或者只是稍微误导


Murder by numbers 谋杀号码

Straight undercover 直卧底

Step into my cypher and you're six feet under 走进我Cypher和你六英尺下

Do a dance and let her know that you're feelin' it 做一个舞蹈,让她知道你感觉这

Locked up cause you know I was dealin it 关起来,因为你知道我的戏份就


Hydroponic 水培

Super bionic 超级仿生

My HK is chrome and my bombs are atomic 我的香港是Chrome和我的炸弹是原子弹

Step to the back with your monkey ass 步骤与您的猴屁股后面

Better take cover cause we're ready to blast 更隐蔽的原因,我们已经准备好爆炸


Now I don't give a fuck 现在我不给他妈的

Not a single fuck 没有一个他妈的

Not a single solitary fuck 不是一个单一的孤立他妈的

Cause I don't give a fuck motherfucka [x7] 因为我不给他妈的motherfucka [ X7 ]

歌词 Stash Up 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/stash-up/

歌词 Stash Up 的作者与版权信息:


Irene Elizabeth Moore, Keith Elam, Christopher Wallace, Osten Harvey, Eric Adam Avery, Lichelle Laws, Christopher E. Martin


Big Poppa Music, Def Jam Music Inc., Emi April Music Inc., Bubbly Orange Stuff Music, Justin Combs Publishing Company Inc.