歌词 "Screams Behind The Shadows" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Screams Behind The Shadows



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Death comes from the unknown 死神来源于未知

Darkened by its own existence 由它自己的存在变暗

The end no longer exists when the spirit leaves the body 灵离开身体时结束不再存在

Phenomenon that mankind would rather forgot 现象,人类宁愿忘记


Shadows and cries 阴影和哭声

Are found together trapped inside the world 是世界里面发现一起被困

Hateful was your life in the past 可恨的是你的生活,在过去

To torment someone is your present destiny 折磨别人是你现在的命运


I feel pleasure seeing your agony 我觉得很高兴看到你的痛苦

It burst my insane subconscious 这一阵我疯狂的潜意识

From life I took nothin' but insults 在生活中,我花了没什么,但侮辱

From death I got irrational pleasure 从死亡中我得到了非理性的快感


Is it possible to feel satisfied after death? 是否有可能觉得死后满意吗?

Yeah, life has marked you with despair and takedown 是啊,生活打上你的绝望和移除

Death welcomes you as a seed lost in oblivion 死亡欢迎你像种子一样在遗忘丢失

As a bastard son the world has rejected 作为一个私生子,世界已经拒绝


Life betrays you on each step 生活背叛你的每一步

On each body that faces you 在每个面向你的身体


On each soul that meets you 在每一个灵魂,以满足您

On each tomb that is closed 在已关闭的每个墓

歌词 Screams Behind The Shadows 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/screams-behind-the-shadows/

歌词 Screams Behind The Shadows 的作者与版权信息:


Max Cavalera, Paulo XistoPinto Jr, Igor Cavalera, Andreas Rudolf Kisser


Cogumelo Music Publishing