歌词 "Saint Augustine In Hell" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Saint Augustine In Hell



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

If somebody up there likes me somebody up there cares 如果有人在那里喜欢我的人在那里问津

Deliver me from evil save me from these wicked snares 从这些邪恶的圈套救我脱离邪恶救救我

Not into temptation, not to cliffs to fall 不受诱惑,不峭壁下降

On to revelation, and lesson for us all 在以启示,教训对于我们所有

She walked into the room on the arm of my best friend 她走进房间对我最好的朋友的手臂

I knew whatever happened our friendship would end 我知道无论发生什么我们的友谊会结束

Chemical reaction, desire at first sight 化学反应,渴望一见倾心

Mystical attraction, turned out all my lights 神秘的吸引力,原来我所有的灯


The minute I saw her face the second I caught her eye 那一刻,我看到她的脸我抓住了她的眼睛,第二

The minute I touched the flame I knew it would never die 我摸了摸火焰一刻起,我就知道它会不会死

The minute I saw her face the second I caught her eye 那一刻,我看到她的脸我抓住了她的眼睛,第二

The minute I touched the flame I knew it would never die 我摸了摸火焰一刻起,我就知道它会不会死


I don't know if it's pain or pleasure that I seek 我不知道这是否是痛苦还是快乐,我求

My flesh was all too willing, my spirit guide was weak 我的肉体是太愿意,我的指导精神是弱

I was deadly certain thoughts for me weren't kind 我是致命的某些想法对我来说是不厚道

A switchblade in his pocket, murder on his mind 在他的口袋里,谋杀在他的脑海弹簧刀

Blessed St. Theresa the whore of Babylon 有福圣特里萨巴比伦的妓女

Madonna and my mother all rolled into one 麦当娜和我妈都集于一身

You've got to understand me, I'm not a piece of wood 你要理解我,我不是一块木头

Francis of Assisi could never be this good 阿西西的弗朗西斯永远是这样好


The minute I saw her face the second I caught her eye 那一刻,我看到她的脸我抓住了她的眼睛,第二

The minute I touched the flame I knew it would never die 我摸了摸火焰一刻起,我就知道它会不会死

The minute I saw her face the second I caught her eye 那一刻,我看到她的脸我抓住了她的眼睛,第二

The minute I touched the flame I knew it would never die 我摸了摸火焰一刻起,我就知道它会不会死


Relax, have a cigar, make yourself at home. Hell is full of high court 放松,有一支雪茄,在自己家一样。地狱充满高等法院

judges, failed saints. We've got Cardinals, Archbishops, barristers, 法官,没有圣人。我们已经得到了主教,大主教,大律师,

certified accountants, music critics, they're all here. You're not alone. 注册会计师,音乐评论家,他们都在这里。你并不孤单。

You're never alone, not here you're not. OK break's over. 你永远不会孤单,这里没有你不行。确定突破的了。


The less I need the more I get 我越需要更多的我得到

Make me chaste but not just yet 让我纯洁的,但不是现在

It's a promise or a lie I'll repent before I die 这是一个承诺,或骗人的,我会后悔我死之前


The minute I saw her face the second I caught her eye 那一刻,我看到她的脸我抓住了她的眼睛,第二

The minute I touched the flame I knew it would never die 我摸了摸火焰一刻起,我就知道它会不会死

The minute I saw her face the second I caught her eye 那一刻,我看到她的脸我抓住了她的眼睛,第二

The minute I touched the flame I knew it would never die 我摸了摸火焰一刻起,我就知道它会不会死

歌词 Saint Augustine In Hell 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/saint-augustine-in-hell/