歌词 "Recently" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:BAEZ, JOAN

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Recently it all came back to me 最近,它一下子浮现在我

Somebody promised us roses 有人答应我们的玫瑰

We slid by for awhile on dreams 我们下滑了一段时间的梦想

But today I see what's only a memory 但是今天我看到的只有记忆

Of a decade ago that vanished from sight 十年前,从视野里消失了

With the speed of a shooting star 随着一颗流星的速度

Leaving you, leaving me, where we are... 离开你,离开我,我们在哪里...


Well, you could say we sailed on stormy seas 好吧,你可以说我们航行在惊涛骇浪

Or you could say that we failed 或者你可以说我们失败了

Like seven out of ten in our neighborhood 如70%的人在我们附近

But I prefer remembering the way we were 但我宁愿记住我们的方式

When we both thought the other had hung the moon 当我们都以为对方已经挂月亮

'Cause all too soon came the troubled times “原因太很快就来到了多事之秋

And the broken rhymes so hard to define 'til recently 而破碎的押韵所以很难界定的,直到最近,


Oh, I could have tried for a thousand years 呵呵,我可以尝试一千年

Through the long and winding night 经过漫长而曲折的夜

Could have cried another million tears 可以哭了一百万的眼泪

It would never come out right 它永远不会出来的权利


And recently the product of all our years 和所有我们多年的近期产品

Dressed in a navy blue blazer 身着藏青色西装外套

Headed for a first class school in the east 为首的开学第一课在东

And I'd like to say he's hardly a failure now 我想说,他几乎没有失败,现在

And neither are you on the second time around 也不是你第二次绕

With a wife and a family 有一个妻子和一个家庭

And the roses that lately arrived in the new baby's eyes 而且最近刚到新宝宝的眼睛玫瑰

So recently 所以,最近

歌词 Recently 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/recently/

歌词 Recently 的作者与版权信息:


Joan Baez


Gabriel Earl Music