歌词 "Prima Donna" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Prima Donna



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You've got the look they'll never forget 你有他们永远不会忘记的样子

You wanna be noticed - but they haven't noticed yet 你想被注意 - 但他们没有注意到尚

When the time is right - a star on your door 当时间是正确的 - 你的门的明星

Taking you places that you've never been before 带你,你从来没有去过的地方

Where did you go? 你去哪儿?

Go to sleep tonight and dream about it till the morning 转到今晚睡觉梦到它,直到早晨

Make a scene tonight and read about it in the morning 大闹一场今晚在早晨读到它

Appearing for the very first time - on the screen tonight 出现的第一次 - 今晚在屏幕上

And when you wanna - they treat you like a Prima Donna 而当你想 - 他们对待你就像一个爱慕虚荣

You're a movie queen - familiar face 你是一个影后 - 熟悉的面孔

Prettiest woman in the whole of the human race 最漂亮的女人,在整个人类

You're gonna be famous - you wanna go far 你要出名了 - 你想要走多远

(Your) name up in lights - everybody knows who you are (你)的名字在灯 - 每个人都知道你是谁

On with the show 与节目

(How) will it feel being number one (怎么)会觉得是头号

Hard to imagine but I can't blame you for tryin' 很难想象,但我不能责怪你试着

How will it feel having so much fun 它的感觉怎么有这么多的乐趣

Hard to imagine but it's so electrifying 很难想象,但它是如此激动人心

歌词 Prima Donna 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/prima-donna-2/