歌词 "Now That You're Gone" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Now That You're Gone



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Today I saw the work of deaths ugly hand 今天,我看到了死亡丑手的工作

Took the life of a man who lost his heart somewhere along the way 把一个人谁失去了他的心脏在一路的生活

You stood so proud 你站在如此骄傲

You were so tall 你是那么高大

Like you stood for anything at all 就像你主张什么都

The last thing you said I'll never forget 过去的事情,你说我永远不会忘记

We could buried the hatchet and started again 我们可以言归于好并且再次启动

But you threw it all away and took your pride to the grave 但是你把它全部带走,把你的骄傲到坟墓

Won't feel sorry now that you're gone 会不会觉得遗憾,现在你走了

Just a memory distant and vague 只是记忆遥远而模糊

I do what I can to keep it that way 我做我能继续保持这种方式

I am now the bastard son of a man with a death wish and a gun 我现在是一个人与死亡的愿望和枪的私生子

歌词 Now That You're Gone 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/now-that-you_re-gone-2/