歌词 "Not Where It's At" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Not Where It's At



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

With some girls it don't matter who you hang with 有一些女孩是你不带挂谁的问题

With some girls it don't matter how you talk 有一些女孩这并不重要,你怎么说话

And some girls they are easy to be yourself with 他们是一些女孩子容易被自己带

But the one girl that I want ain't easy to please with what I've got 但是,一个女孩,我想是不容易讨好什么我有


With some girls it don't matter where you're aiming 有一些女孩这并不重要,你正在瞄准

With some girls it don't matter how you act 有一些女孩这并不重要,你如何行动

And some girls they don't care what car you came in 而一些女孩,他们不关心你进来什么车

But the one girl that I want, she wants that one bit of geography I lack 但是,一个女孩,我想,她要在地理学中的一位我所缺乏的


Yeah, she don't want me 'cos I'm not where it's at 是啊,她不想让我因为我不是那里的AT


And some girls they will worry about reactions 而一些女孩,他们会担心的反应

And some girls they don't give a damn for that 而有些女生不给一个该死的是

But somehow I ain't ever in on the action 但不知何故,我是不是永远在行动

'Cos the one girl I want, she wants that one little quality I lack 因为一个女孩,我想,她想要一个小的质量我缺乏


Yeah, she don't want me 'cos I'm not where it's at 是啊,她不想让我因为我不是那里的AT


I don't have my finger on the pulse of my generation 我没有我的手指在我这一代的脉搏

I just got my hand on my heart, I know no better location 我得到了我的手放在我的心脏,我不知道有更好的位置


Yeah, she don't want me 'cos I'm not where it's at 是啊,她不想让我因为我不是那里的AT

No I'm not where it's at 不,我不是那里的AT

歌词 Not Where It's At 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/not-where-it_s-at/

歌词 Not Where It's At 的作者与版权信息:


Justin Currie


Polygram Music Publishing Ltd. Gb