歌词 "My Own Way" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

My Own Way



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You've got to learn how to leave me be, for us to ever get along 你必须学会如何让我做,让我们永远相处

You've got to give me the kind of time it takes, to prove I'm right or wrong 你得给我时间花费的实物,来证明我是对还是错

'Cause nobody knows what I had to go through-Maybe no one even cares 因为没有人知道我不得不去通过,也许甚至没有人问津

But all the while as the clock was tickin', I've been holed up in my lair 但是所有的同时为时钟被tickin ,我一直龟缩在我的巢穴

Doin' things my own way....My own way 上来的东西我自己的方式....我自己的路

You say I don't have a leg to stand on, so it's a good thing I've got two 你说我没有一条腿站立,所以这是一件好事,我有两个

But if I had only one leg to stand on, that's exactly what I'd do 但如果我只有一条腿站立,这正是我想要做的

No one can say there's a right or wrong way-Everyone's got their own advice 没有人能说有一个正确的或错误的方式,每个人的得到了自己的意见,

Now am I back to where I started, after all I've sacrificed? 现在,我是回到我开始,我已经牺牲了之后呢?

By doin' things my own way....My own way 由上来的东西我自己的方式....我自己的路

I gotta do things my own way 我必须做的事情我自己的路

Yeh....my own way 叶....我自己的路

I've got these feelins' I'm tryin' to deal with, I'm not so sure you understand 我有这些feelins “我试着去处理,我不太确定你了解

If I seem to be too preoccupied, to fit into your plans 如果我看起来太斤斤计较,以适应你的计划

It's just that its one thing on top another-Now it's one too many high 这只是它的一件事顶部的另一个,现在是太多了高

I wonder how many piles of things it takes, to bury me alive 我不知道有多少东西堆花,埋葬了我还活着

I'm doin' things my own way...My own way 我上来的东西我自己的方式......我自己的路

I gotta do things my own way.......My own way 我必须做的事情我自己的路.......我自己的路

Yeh I gotta do things my own way-My own way 星爷我必须做的事情我自己的方式,自己的路

Gotta do things my own way-Yeh my own way 要做的事情我自己的方式,星爷自己的路

My own way-My own way 我自己的方式,自己的路

Oh yeh....it's just the way it is, baby 哦,叶....这只是事情是这样的,宝贝

[Phil continues] [菲尔待续]

歌词 My Own Way 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/my-own-way-4/

歌词 My Own Way 的作者与版权信息:


Phil Solem, Danny C. Wilde


100 Billion Dollar Music, W3705 Music, Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp., WB Music Corp.