歌词 "More Where That Came From" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

More Where That Came From



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I've been through hell and half of Louisiana 我经历过地狱,一半路易斯安那州

Lookin' for a man like you 看着“像你这样的男人

I know you could have any woman you want 我知道,你可以有你想要的任何女人

And I know you've had a few 我知道你有几个

I know I've got some stiff competition 我知道我有一些激烈的竞争

They ain't got nothin' on me 他们是不是得了什么也没对我

'Cause I've got something that you've been missin' 因为我已经得到的东西,你一直想着

I practice what I preach 我的做法是什么我传


'Cause I wanna be your lover 因为我想成为你的爱人

I wanna be your friend 我想成为你的朋友

And I wanna be your full-time woman 我想成为你的专职女

Closer than your kin 不是你的亲人更接近

I wanna be your satisfaction 我想成为你的满意

Be your number one 是你的头号

And just when you think I can't love you any better 而当你认为我不爱你更好

Well, I have just begun 好吧,我刚刚开始

'Cause there's more where that came from 因为还有更多的地方是来自

There's more where that came from 还有更多的地方是来自


And I want your clothes in my closet 我想在我的衣柜里的衣服

My name on your mail 我对你的邮件名称

And I want my love to be your faucet 我想我的爱是你的水龙头

Drinkin' from an endless well 从无休止的良好喝醉

I want your kids to call me Mama 我想你的孩子打电话给我妈妈

I want you to call me Hon 我要你给我打电话汉

I wanna be the one you love and honor 我想成为一个你爱和荣誉

When it's all been said and done 当这一切都被说的和做


'Cause I wanna be your lover 因为我想成为你的爱人

I wanna be your friend 我想成为你的朋友

And I wanna be your full-time woman 我想成为你的专职女

Closer than your kin 不是你的亲人更接近

I wanna be your satisfaction 我想成为你的满意

Be your number one 是你的头号

And just when you think I can't love you any better 而当你认为我不爱你更好

Well, I have just begun 好吧,我刚刚开始

'Cause there's more where that came from 因为还有更多的地方是来自

That's right, there's more where that came from 这是正确的,但更重要的是在那里来自

歌词 More Where That Came From 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/more-where-that-came-from/

歌词 More Where That Came From 的作者与版权信息:


Dolly Parton


Velvet Apple Music