歌词 "Medium" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Medium, medium. 中等,中等。

Medium, medium. 中等,中等。

Medium, medium. 中等,中等。

Medium, medium. 中等,中等。

Medium, medium. 中等,中等。

Medium, medium. 中等,中等。

Medium, medium. 中等,中等。

Medium, medium. 中等,中等。

Waking up I smell the scent of coffee on the brew, 一觉醒来,我闻到咖啡的香味在酿造,

and I think about the amount of the sweet, 我想想甜蜜的金额,

I'd like to have in my cup today. 我想今天我的杯子有。

One for the two lump, three lump, four. 一为两坨,三坨,四。

No half of one, no less no more. 没有半个的,没少不多。

Just give me a chance, let me make it mine. 只要给我一个机会,让我这我的。

I'd like a medium blend of that piece of pie. 我想一个中等混合了一块馅饼的。

Not too bitter, not too sweet...Medium. 不是太苦,不太甜...中。


Just enough to start my beat...Medium. 刚好够我开始拍...创作。


Not too bitter, not too sweet...Medium. 不是太苦,不太甜...中。


Just enough to start my beat...Medium. 刚好够我开始拍...创作。


Dinner time just rolls around, 吃饭的时候刚刚来临时,

and I think I crave a steak but, 我想我渴望一份牛排,但是,

I'm not too partial to the meat, 我不是太偏肉,

when it's cooked too long and I'm made to wait. 当它煮得太久,我必须等待。


Not too much of the parsley, 没有过多的香菜,


and just enough of the spice. 和刚好够的香料。

I think I'd enjoy a medium-rare dish with a side of fries. 我想我会喜欢一个中等罕见的菜薯条的一面。

Not too tender, not too tough...Medium. 不能太嫩,不太韧...中。

Not too little, just enough...Medium. 不能太少,刚够...中。

Not too tender, not too tough...Medium. 不能太嫩,不太韧...中。

Not too little, just enough...Medium. 不能太少,刚够...中。

Medium. Medium. Medium. Medium. Just a medium. Medium. 中。中。中。中。只是一个媒介。中。


Thursday morning I smell the pits but, hell it ain't that bad. 周四早上,我闻到了坑,但是,它到底是不是那么糟糕。


I could've sworn I bathed last week and scrubbed like a good lad. 我已经发誓我沐浴上周擦洗是个不错的小伙子。


I like to stink just a little bit, 我喜欢臭只是一点点,

just to keep you on your toes yes. 只是为了让你的脚趾是的。

The more I stink the more i think, 我越臭越觉得,

that you smell like a rose. 你闻起来像一朵玫瑰。

Not too pleasant, not too bad...Medium. 不是太愉快,不算太差......中。


Just enough to irk my dad...Medium. 就足以激怒我爸...中。


Not too pleasant, not too bad...Medium. 不是太愉快,不算太差......中。


Just enough to irk my dad...Medium. 就足以激怒我爸...中。


Medium. Medium. Medium. Medium. Medium. Medium. 中。中。中。中。中。中。

歌词 Medium 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/medium/