歌词 "Mary" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Oh the cold wet wind blew over the heather 哦,冷湿的风吹过石楠

You wrote Charlie and Mary for forever 你写查理和玛丽永远

On the back of a rock 在岩石的后面

That you picked up on the way 那你捡到的方式

And in that perfect moment 而在这完美的瞬间

I nearly ruined it 我差点毁了它

By saying I love you 说我爱你

And nearly meaning it 而近这意味着它

But you know I would never waste those words 但是,你知道,我永远不会浪费的那些话

Oh when I last saw Mary 哦,当我最后一次见到玛丽

She lied and said it was her birthday 她撒了谎,说这是她的生日

Oh when i last saw mary 哦,当我最后一次见到玛丽

She lied and said it was her birthday 她撒了谎,说这是她的生日


But then she 但后来她

Tried to kiss me 试图吻我

And I said don't bother 我说不要打扰

You know we don't really love one another 你知道,我们并不真正彼此相爱

And there's no use 而且也没有用

In burning out this flame 在烧出这火焰

Oh but then things changed in a way I couldn't predict 哦,但随后事情的方式,我无法预测改变

She said I love you and it suddenly clicked 她说,我爱你,突然点击

That she was only saying what she wanted me to hear 她只是说她有什么想听听

And I said 我说

Please don't lie to me Mary 请不要对我说谎玛丽

And I said 我说

Please don't lie to me Mary 请不要对我说谎玛丽


I said 我说

Please don't lie 请不要说谎

Oh it makes me cry in bed 哦,让我哭在床上

I said 我说

Please don't lie 请不要说谎

Oh it makes me cry in bed 哦,让我哭在床上

I said 我说

Please don't lie 请不要说谎

Oh it makes me cry in bed 哦,让我哭在床上

And she said 她说:

Shut your mouth 闭上你的嘴

You don't know what you're talking about 你不知道你在说什么

Oh she said 哦,她说:

Shut your mouth 闭上你的嘴

You don't know what you're talking about 你不知道你在说什么

歌词 Mary 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/mary-9/

歌词 Mary 的作者与版权信息:


Charles Fink


Hangman Music Ltd.