歌词 "Lovesong" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Its one thing to ask why we break up 它有一件事要问我们为什么分手

Have you ever 你有没有

Wondered why it is we fall in love 不知道为什么它是我们相爱

Can you tell me 你能告诉我

Do you know what it is you're looking for 你知道什么是你正在寻找

What do we need 我们需要什么

Can you tell me why I care 你能告诉我为什么我在乎

How is it that we hear 它怎么说,我们听到

That voice that says i want you there 那声音说,我想你在那里


Thanks you've been fuel for thought 谢谢你一直燃料的思考

Now im more lonely than before 现在我比以前更寂寞

But thats okay i've just read and made another stupid love song 但多数民众赞成好吧,我刚刚阅读并取得了另一个愚蠢的情歌

Thanks you've been fuel for thought 谢谢你一直燃料的思考

Now im more lonely than before 现在我比以前更寂寞

But thats okay i've just read and made another stupid love song 但多数民众赞成好吧,我刚刚阅读并取得了另一个愚蠢的情歌


In a single moment you might be perfect 在某一个时刻,你可能是完美的

And sit 而坐

In a window of my life 在我生命中的一个窗口

But how much how much more will I get to see? 但是有多少多少,我会去看看?

What would i strive to hide 我会怎么努力隐藏

Now there will be no compromise 现在不会有妥协

So take it in your stride 所以,把它在你前进的步伐

I will leave you now with a smile 我现在离开你面带微笑


Thanks you've been fuel for thought 谢谢你一直燃料的思考

Now im more lonely than before 现在我比以前更寂寞

But thats okay i've just read and made another stupid love song 但多数民众赞成好吧,我刚刚阅读并取得了另一个愚蠢的情歌

And thanks you've been fuel for thought 也谢谢你一直燃料的思考

Now im more lonely than before 现在我比以前更寂寞

But thats okay i've just read and made another stupid love song 但多数民众赞成好吧,我刚刚阅读并取得了另一个愚蠢的情歌


Look into my eyes 看着我的眼睛

Our's is no love sacrifice 我们的是没有爱牺牲

For it has helped us to grow 它帮助我们成长

And im sorry i know just how far i have to go alone 而且我很抱歉,我知道我有多么远有一个人去


Thanks you've been fuel for thought 谢谢你一直燃料的思考

Now im more lonely than before 现在我比以前更寂寞

But thats okay i've just read and made another stupid love song 但多数民众赞成好吧,我刚刚阅读并取得了另一个愚蠢的情歌

And thanks you've been fuel for thought 也谢谢你一直燃料的思考

Now im more lonely than before 现在我比以前更寂寞

But thats okay i've just read and made another stupid love song 但多数民众赞成好吧,我刚刚阅读并取得了另一个愚蠢的情歌


I've just read and made another love song 我刚刚读到,并提出另一种情歌

Just read and made another love song 只要阅读并提出另一种情歌

歌词 Lovesong 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/lovesong-1/

歌词 Lovesong 的作者与版权信息:


Amiel Daemion, Amiel Muki Daemion


Mushroom Music Int. B.V., Mushroom Music Pty Ltd.