歌词 "Lost In A Dream" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Lost In A Dream



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Lost, lost in a dream (It's a dream) 失去了,在梦中丢失(这是一个梦想)

And I think, it's some evil scheme 而我认为,这是一些邪恶的计划

They say, that I don't feel, what I feel 他们说,我不觉得,我觉得

But I know, that this ain't no game 但我知道,这不是游戏

What am I supposed to lie? 那我该怎么说谎?

That ain't what I'm saying 这不是我在说什么

You're telling me that I could be 你告诉我,我可以

A little insane 有点疯狂

I tell myself to pull myself 我告诉自己,把自己拉

Together again 再相聚

'Cause I 因为我

Ain't been the same 是不是原来的样子

歌词 Lost In A Dream 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/lost-in-a-dream-1/