歌词 "Listen" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Listen, 听着,

If you think that we're here for the money 如果你认为我们在这里是为了钱

You couldn't be right, you know(owowow) 你不可能是正确的,你知道的( owowow )

But the bread is not too good here 但面包不是太好这里

It could be so natural 这可能是如此自然

I said all you got to do is listen 我说你要做的是倾听

Listen, 听着,

If you don't hear what you can tell us 如果你不听,你可以告诉我们

If it's good you can tell us all 如果这是很好的,你可以告诉我们一切

Or you can smile, that's alright my friend 或者,你可以微笑,那是正常的我的朋友

It could be so nice, you know 这可能是太好了,你知道

If only you would listen 如果只有你会听

Listen, 听着,

If you don't understand it, no no no no 如果你不明白,无无无无

You got to try to fly 你得试着飞

And don't you put me down, please 难道你不把我放下来,请

For creating beyond your mind 创建超出你的心

I said all you got to do is listen 我说你要做的是倾听

歌词 Listen 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/listen-10/