歌词 "South California Purples" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

South California Purples



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Cloudy every morning 多云每天早上

Sun don't never shine 太阳没有永远闪耀

Cloudy every morning 多云每天早上

Sun don't ever shine 太阳永远无法照亮

Since I lost my baby 因为我失去了我的孩子

I been losing my mind 我一直在失去我的心

I thought this was a warm place 我认为这是一个温暖的地方

I must be in the wrong place 我一定是放错了地方

Thought this was a warm place 认为这是一个温暖的地方

I must be in the wrong place 我一定是放错了地方

And I don't know where I'm going 我不知道我要去哪里

Since my lover left me 因为我的爱人离开了我

Never no smile on my face 在我的脸上从来没有笑容

I am he is you are he is you are me and we are all together, woah woah 我感到他是你是他,你是我,我们都在一起,哇哇

Buddy, this ain't LA 哥们,这不是洛杉矶

I've travelled such a long way 我走过这么远的路

Buddy, this ain't LA 哥们,这不是洛杉矶

I've travelled such a long way 我走过这么远的路

And I still don't know where I'm going 我仍然不知道我要去哪里

But without my baby 但是,如果没有我的宝贝

I better not stay 我还是不留

I better not stay, no ow woah no 我还是不留,不流哇无

歌词 South California Purples 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/south-california-purples/