歌词 "Leave Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Leave Me



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I know it comes as no surprise, that I.... 我知道这并不令人吃惊,我....

am so in love with you 我那么爱你

When I think of us two, I start feelin' blue 当我觉得我们两个人,我开始感觉蓝色

Somethin' that I gotten used to 事端,我习惯了

But lately.. I must admit 但最近..我必须承认

Times have been been hard 时间已经是硬

Put a strain and pain on my heart 把压力和痛苦在我的心脏

As much as it hurts to say these words 一样,因为它伤害了说这些话

I think that it's best for you to 我认为这是最适合你


Leave me... Live your life 离开我......你的生命

Don't worry.. I will be alright 别担心..我会好起来的

In no time.. you'll find someone 在任何时候..你会找人

who's better than I 谁比我好

Go now.. don't you cry 转到现在..你不要哭

I'll always.. be right by your side 我会永远..是正确的在你身边

Maybe someday we'll get another try 也许有一天我们会得到另一种尝试

Oh yeah... 哦耶...


It seems as tho.. Everytime I speak 它似乎寿..每次我发言

Ur name.. I get weak 乌尔名字..我变得软弱

Cuz I imagine, before I go to sleep 因为我想,我才去睡觉

That you are right here with me 那你就在这里陪我

Somebody told me, you can't appreciate.. 有人告诉我,你可以不欣赏..

What you got until... it is gone 你得到了什么,直到......就消失了

But they were so wrong, cuz I have cherished you 但他们错了,因为我非常珍惜你

It's just that I'm not the one... you care... 这只是我不是一个......你关心...


Leave me... Live your life 离开我......你的生命

Don't worry.. I will be alright 别担心..我会好起来的

In no time.. you'll find someone 在任何时候..你会找人

who's better than I 谁比我好

Go now.. don't you cry 转到现在..你不要哭

I'll always.. be right by your side 我会永远..是正确的在你身边

Maybe someday we'll get another try 也许有一天我们会得到另一种尝试


[Bridge] [桥]

Deep down inside 内心深处

(Please here me now) (请现在这里我)

You expect so much 你想到这么多

(that's why I'm hurting inside) (这就是为什么我伤害里面)

And I don't even 我什至不

(No.. not at all) (不..不是全部)

'Til appreciate for my average girl 直到明白了我的平均女孩

(It feels like we've grown apart) (这感觉就像我们已经分道扬镳)

(And I don't know if we... could handle) (我不知道我们是否......可以处理)

the trouble....... 麻烦.......

(If not it's gonna hurt me to see you) (如果没有它弄疼我看到你)


Leave me... Live your life 离开我......你的生命

Don't worry.. I will be alright 别担心..我会好起来的

In no time.. you'll find someone 在任何时候..你会找人

who's better than I 谁比我好

Go now.. don't you cry 转到现在..你不要哭

I'll always.. be right by your side 我会永远..是正确的在你身边

Maybe someday we'll get another try 也许有一天我们会得到另一种尝试


Leave me... Live your life 离开我......你的生命

Don't worry.. I will be alright 别担心..我会好起来的

In no time.. you'll find someone.... 在任何时候..你会发现一个人....

歌词 Leave Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/leave-me-2/

歌词 Leave Me 的作者与版权信息:


Mike Winans, Shannon Lawrence, Chester Dixson, Michael Isiah Winans


Baby Mike Music Publishing, Emi Foray Music, Zxs Publishing, Christian Combs Music