歌词 "Last First Kiss" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Last First Kiss



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The shadows fade 阴影淡出

I see the light as you walk through 我看到了光,你走过

It’s like I’m blinded by the sun 这就像我被太阳失明

Today All I see is you And from this moment on 今天,我看到的是你从这个时刻


I want you to be my one and only 我想你是我的唯一

I wanna hold you like this 我想抱着你喜欢这个

I wanna lay down the sad and lonely 我想放下悲伤和孤独

And take a chance to live 并采取有机会住

I want to you to see You’re all I need 我想你看到你是我的一切需要

I want you to be My Last First Kiss 我希望你是我最后的初吻


So here we are On the edge 所以在这里,我们都在边缘

of all our days tryin to stare tomorrow down 我们所有的日子试着明天盯下来

Take this to heart that whatever this life brings 借此,以心脏,无论这辈子带来

I’m givin’ you my word right now 我得到安宁,你我的话,现在


I want you to be my one and only 我想你是我的唯一

I wanna hold you like this 我想抱着你喜欢这个

I wanna lay down the sad and lonely 我想放下悲伤和孤独

And take a chance to live 并采取有机会住

I want to you to see You’re all I need 我想你看到你是我的一切需要

I want you to be My Last First Kiss 我希望你是我最后的初吻


I want you to be my one and only 我想你是我的唯一

I wanna hold you like this 我想抱着你喜欢这个

I wanna lay down the sad and lonely 我想放下悲伤和孤独

And take this chance to live 并借此机会向生活

I want you to see You’re all I need 我希望你能看到你是我的一切需要

I want you to be My Last First Kiss 我希望你是我最后的初吻

歌词 Last First Kiss 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/last-first-kiss-4/