歌词 "Killer On The Sheets" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Killer On The Sheets


歌词相关歌手:JONES, TOM

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

(Killer killer killer, killer killer killer) (杀手杀手杀手,杀手杀手杀手)


When I left a dirty message on your answer machine 当我离开一个肮脏的消息,您的答案机器上

Left a call sign in the middle, so you'd know it was me 留在中间的呼号,让你知道是我

I got your number, from a rock and roll band 我有你的电话号码,从摇滚乐队

They said you'd turn this old boy into man 他们说你把这个老男孩变成男人


I'm drivin' the wheels on fire, headin' to your place 我赶回着火的车轮,航向“你的地方

Ooh baby my guns for hire, no time to waste 哦宝贝我的枪租用,没有时间可以浪费


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Killer killer killer on the sheets, she's so pretty, got no pity 杀手杀手杀手在床单上,她是那么漂亮,有没有遗憾

(She'll knock you off your feet) (她会敲你把你的脚)

Killer killer killer on the sheets, she's so fine, her legs divine 杀手杀手杀手在床单上,她是那么细,她的腿神

(Heaven don't come cheap) (天堂不便宜)


Caught a strange reflection on your mirror in the sky 抓到一个陌生的影子在天空中你的镜子

It was the cutest little tattoo on your thigh 这是你的大腿上最可爱的小纹身

I tried to read it, that dirty little rhyme 我试着读它,那脏兮兮的小韵

So I altered my position, it read, kiss your ass goodbye 所以,我改变了我的位置,上面写的,亲吻你的屁股再见


I'm learnin' the perfect crime, a little every day 我在设计学习“完美犯罪,一点点的每一天

Emergency 999, there's no escape 急救999 ,有没有逃生


Killer killer killer on the sheets, she's so naughty, loud and bawdy 杀手杀手杀手在床单上,她是那么调皮,响亮而淫秽

(The lady loves to tease) (这位女士喜欢捉弄)

Killer killer killer on the sheets, she's so wild, the devil's child 杀手杀手杀手在床单上,她是如此狂野,魔鬼的孩子

(Beauty's just skin deep) (美的只是肤浅的)


[Solo] [个]


You got me, I'm in your sights, your sexual sacrifice 你让我,我在你的目光,你的性牺牲


Killer killer killer on the sheets, she's so pretty, got no pity 杀手杀手杀手在床单上,她是那么漂亮,有没有遗憾

(She'll knock you off your feet) (她会敲你把你的脚)

Killer killer killer on the sheets, she's so fine, the devil's child 杀手杀手杀手在床单上,她是那么细,魔鬼的孩子

(Heaven don't come cheap) (天堂不便宜)

She's so fine, the devil's child, knocks me off my feet 她是那么细,魔鬼的孩子,我敲了我的脚


Killer killer killer on the sheets, killer killer killer on the sheets 杀手杀手杀手床单上,杀手杀手杀手在纸上

She's so naughty, loud and bawdy (she'll blow you off your feet) 她是那么调皮,大声和淫秽(她会大发脾气,你把你的脚)

Killer killer killer on the sheets, she's so wild, she drives you wild... 杀手杀手杀手在床单上,她是那么狂野,她驾驶你野...

歌词 Killer On The Sheets 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/killer-on-the-sheets/