歌词 "It's Only Money" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

It's Only Money



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You don't believe in love 你不相信爱情

You don't believe in hatred 你不相信仇恨

Put your money in the bank 把你的钱存进银行

It's the only way to save it 这是保存它的唯一途径


You try to make a buck 您尝试才有钱赚

But you haven't made a penny 但是你有没有做一分钱

You need a little luck 你需要一点运气

But you know you won't get any 但你知道你不会得到任何


You don't believe in God 你不信上帝

You don't believe in glory 你不相信的荣耀

You've got a brother in the clinic 你必须在诊所一哥

Tells the same kind of story 讲述了同一种故事


If he had another life 如果他有另一种生活

He'd know what would be waiting 他会知道什么在等待

If he had another soul 如果他有另一个灵魂

He could sell it all to Satan 他这一切卖给撒旦


You don't believe in war 你不相信战争

You don't believe in Jesus 你不信耶稣

Got a sister in New York 有在纽约的妹妹

She knows how she pleases 她知道她怎么高兴


Walking the streets 漫步街头

On the south side of the city 在城市的南侧

Trying to make ends meet 试图入不敷出

Isn't that a pity...for money 是不是太可惜了......为了钱

歌词 It's Only Money 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/it_s-only-money-1/

歌词 It's Only Money 的作者与版权信息:


Philip Parris Lynott


Pippin The Friendly Ranger Mus. Co. Ltd.