歌词 "Bulletproof" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

It's Happening again 它的再次发生


So cross your fingers 所以,用你的手指

and cover up the path you left again 和掩盖你又离开的路径


He was crossing his fingers 他交叉着手指

as the bullet pierced his chest 因为子弹打穿了他的胸部


your people piled high 你的人堆高

these figures never lie 这些数字从来不说谎

the prize your country sent 您的国家送奖品

a perfect red imbelishment 一个完美的红imbelishment


your pride just swallow it 你的骄傲刚吞下去

Your pride just swallow it 你的骄傲刚吞下去


the answer to this call to arms 这个问题的答案檄文

marching onward, 游行开始,

marching backwards 前进后退

you're stomping over broken hearts 你踏着破碎的心

marching onward, 游行开始,

marching backwards 前进后退

will weary soldiers lay them down in time 将疲惫的士兵躺在下来的时间


it's happening again 它的再次发生


so cross your fingers 所以用你的手指

until there's nothing left 直到剩下什么


just stop and take a breath 刚停下来喘口气

suck in the stench of death 吮吸着死亡的气息


we just got the numbers back 我们刚刚得到的数字背

we hope they all died right on impact. 我们希望他们都死了正确的冲击。


You're pride just swallow it 你的骄傲只是吞了


so take a number undertaker 所以采取了一些承办单位

marching onward, 游行开始,

marching backward 前进后退

the last hands to be laid on loved ones 最后双手要在亲人奠定

marching onward, 游行开始,

marching backward 前进后退

our sons and daughters sleeping in the rubble. 我们的儿子和女儿睡在瓦砾。


This is the last time i'll tell you.. 这是最后一次,我会告诉你..


Are you bulletproof? 你刀枪不入?

Are you bulletproof? 你刀枪不入?

sign sign you're love away. 签签你是爱了。

Are you bulletproof? 你刀枪不入?

Are you bulletproof? 你刀枪不入?

How many pieces are you gonna come back in? 多少件,你会回来吗?

歌词 Bulletproof 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/bulletproof-2/

歌词 Bulletproof 的作者与版权信息:


Tyson Stevens, Steven Kirby, Chad Crawford, David Wilson, Pouyan Afkary, Peter Costa


O Wilson, T Rex, Afallenskycastle Music Pub Co., Ram Island Songs, Fatty Chaddy Music, Dream Beaver, I Am Pete