歌词 "Invader" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Tipton/Halford/Hill] [蒂普顿/哈尔福德/山]


I came across a smoking field, pulsating afterglow 我遇到了一个吸烟场,脉动余辉

I saw a seering flash of light erupt and skyward go 我看到了光的seering闪光爆发和天空去

I staggered back in dazed surprise 我茫然的惊喜踉跄后退

What was it I had seen? 那是什么我见过?

And as I stood there mesmerized I heard my spirit scream 当我站在那里如醉如痴,我听到我的尖叫精神


Invader invader nearby 入侵者入侵者附近

Invader, invader is nigh 侵略者,侵略者就在眼前


This is the first of more to come in carefully planned attacks 这是更首次以精心策划的攻击进来

If it is so we must prepare defenses to fight back 如果是这样,我们必须准备好防御反击

The call is out throughout the world 该呼叫是从世界各地

United we must stand 美国,我们必须站

To build a line, strategic force, they will not take a man 要建立一条线,战略力量,他们不会采取一个男人


Invader invader nearby 入侵者入侵者附近

Invader, invader is nigh 侵略者,侵略者就在眼前


When they come to take control every man must play his role 当他们采取控制每个人都必须发挥他的作用

They won't take our world away when the children we leave 他们不会把我们的世界了,当我们离开的孩子

Will have to believe in today 必须相信今天


We warn you now you things out there 我们现在警告你,你的东西在那里

Whatever you may send 不管你送

We won't give in without a fight, a fight until the end 我们不会放弃的不战,直到最后一拼

With vigilance by day and night our scanners trace the sky 有了警惕,日夜我们扫描仪跟踪天空

A shield is sealed upon this earth, a shield you won't get by 在这个地球上的盾是密封的,盾牌,你不会得到通过


Invader invader nearby 入侵者入侵者附近

Invader, invader is nigh 侵略者,侵略者就在眼前

歌词 Invader 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/invader/