歌词 "In The Mall" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

In The Mall



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

In the mall, in the fall, we're sneaking to the emergency hall 在商场里,到了秋天,我们偷偷到急诊大厅

First we smoke then have a smoke, get change for tokens and a pretzel and Coke 首先,我们抽就抽袋烟,得到变化令牌和一个饼干和可乐


Now we're ready 现在,我们已经准备好

In the mall, I was in the mall 在商场里,我在商场

Keep it steady 保持稳定

In the mall, I was in the mall 在商场里,我在商场

In the mall! 在商场!


Holidays are on their way, these decorations have so much to say 假期都在赶路,这些装饰有说不完的话

Loses meaning, going west, don't get facetious or you don't get the best 失去意,西进,不要开玩笑,或者您没有得到最好的


Bells are ringing 钟声响起

In the mall, I was in the mall. 在商场里,我在商场里。

Now we're singing 现在我们唱

In the mall, I was in the mall. 在商场里,我在商场里。

I was in the mall! I was in the mall! 我是在商场!我是在商场!


Take the elevator to the escalator ride it down and start again! 乘电梯自动扶梯骑下来,重新开始!


All together 一起

In the mall, I was in the mall 在商场里,我在商场

No place better 没有更好的地方

In the mall, I was in the mall 在商场里,我在商场

I was in the mall, in the mall! 我是在商场,在商场!

歌词 In The Mall 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/in-the-mall/