歌词 "Human's Lib" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Human's Lib



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Sometimes I'd like to go to bed 有时候我想睡觉

With a hundred women or men 拥有近百名女性或男性

And lose my mind in lust and drink 而失去理智的欲望和饮料

And to hit some people into feeling good, oh 和一些人打成了感觉不错哦


Sometimes I'd like to dance in the street 有时候,我想在街上跳舞

Don't wanna go to work, just wanna lay in bed all day 不想上班,只想躺在床上一整天躺在


Why don't you then 你为什么不那么

Why don't you then 你为什么不那么


Life just seems oh so meaningless 生命只是似乎是如此的毫无意义

And who can blame us for wanting these things 谁又能责怪我们希望这些事

But you just try being free my friend 但是,你只是做回自由我的朋友

And everyone will hate your guts, I only want to free 每个人都会讨厌你的,我只是想释放

歌词 Human's Lib 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/human_s-lib/

歌词 Human's Lib 的作者与版权信息:


Howard Jones, William Bryant


Warner/Chappell Music Ltd., Howard Jones Music Ltd.