歌词 "He's Concerned" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

He's Concerned



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

God is, just a prayer away 神,只是一个礼拜走

All you need to do is call 所有你需要做的就是调用

He will hear, your faintest cry 他会听到,你的微弱呼喊

He's concerned about you 他是关心你


So while your tears are flowing through 当你的眼泪都流过如此

Your time of mourning 你哀悼的时间

He is here to lift your heavy heart 他在这里解除您沉重的心脏

'Cause He's in love with you 因为他爱你


He knows 他知道

He cares 他关心

He sees 他认为,

He's there 他在那里

And He'll carry you 他会带你

He's concerned about you 他是关心你


Weeping may, endure for a night 可以哭泣,忍受了一晚

But the morning will bring joy 但早上会带来欢乐

He won't give, you more than you can bear 他不会给你超过你所能承受的

He's concerned about you 他是关心你


He loves you, oh yes 他爱你,哦,是的

He loves you, ooooo 他爱你, OOOOO

He loves you, I know He does, He really does 他爱你,我知道他做什么,他确实

He's concerned about you 他是关心你


He knows 他知道

He cares 他关心

He sees 他认为,

He's there 他在那里

He'll carry you 他会带你

He's concerned about you 他是关心你


Well, He knows 好吧,他知道

And He cares 和他在乎

He sees 他认为,

He's right there 他就在那里

He'll carry you 他会带你

He's concerned about you 他是关心你

He's concerned about you 他是关心你

He's concerned, about you 他担心,你

歌词 He's Concerned 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/he_s-concerned/