歌词 "God Man" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

God Man



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Verse One] [诗一]

You say you would die for your block, and you would die for your dawgs 你说你会死在你的块,你会死在你的dawgs

But would you get on the cross, and then die for us all 不过,如果你在十字架上,然后为我们死都

I can hear Him cryin' "Let this cup pass from Me" 我可以听到他在哭泣, “让这杯离开我。 ”

Yet some sin against Holy Ghost which is blasphemy 然而,对圣灵的一些罪是亵渎

Now picture pain the worst on earth ever existed 现在想象的疼痛最严重的地球上曾经存在过

Experienced the mischief, endureth the crucifixion 经历了恶作剧,长存的受难

He died although 40 percent wouldn't believe 他死了,虽然40 %的人会不相信

See He died although 10 percent wouldn't receive 见他死了,尽管10 %的人将不会收到

See He died although 20 percent wouldn't understand 见他死了,尽管20 %的人会不理解

And only 30 percent reverenced Him as the Son of Man 而只有30 %的尊崇他为人子

Now knowin' this He still said "Nevertheless, not My will but let Yours be done" 现在深深地知道这一点,他还表示, “不过,不是我的意愿,而是让此致做”

33 years of pain, sufferin' and sorrow 33年的痛苦,在痛苦和悲伤

Rejection, ridicule in a tomb that was borrowed 排斥,嘲笑的坟墓这是借来的

Foxes have holes, birds have nest 狐狸有洞,飞鸟有窝

But even the Son of Man didn't have a place to rest 但是,人类连儿子都没得休息的地方


[Chorus] [合唱]

They forget You're the Godman 他们忘记了你是Godman

Your Word says You were tempted on every hand 你的话语说你被诱惑了每手

yet they promise up and down that you don't understand 但他们答应上下,你不明白

Could it be an excuse to continue in sin 难道是一个借口,在罪中继续

Could it be in their greed that they want more 难道是在他们的贪婪,他们想要更多的

As if dyin' on the cross wasn't enough for them 好像快要枯萎在十字架上是不够的他们

Let's pretend and defend like it's the last rhyme 让我们假设,捍卫喜欢它的最后之韵

This is what I would say to persuade minds 这就是我要说的说服头脑



[Verse Two] [诗两]

The first Adam straight died with his bride 第一个亚当与他的新娘直死

And the second Adam straight died for His bride 而第二个亚当直死为他的新娘

And we have a high priest who can really sympathize 我们有一个大祭司谁又能真正同情

With our weaknesses and see the lies 随着我们的弱点,看到了谎言

And the disguise in us lived in Nazareth that's similar to our urban streets 而在美国的变相住在拿撒勒,它类似于我们的城市街道

Til He was 30 and rejected by His town peeps 直到他30和他的城市偷看拒绝

Know what it's like to be shun, hung, spit upon 知道是什么感觉要顺,悬挂,后吐

And still be the Son and one with the Father 仍然是儿子,一个与父亲

Feel the agony of the main people hatin' on you 感受到主人们的痛苦你hatin

The ones that read about you and suppose to be waitin' on you 上面写着关于你和想那些被你等待着

Know what it's like to be dogged out 知道是什么感觉被困扰了

But gotta fight cause you called out 但是,因为你得打叫出来

Plus in the garden of Gethsemane 再加上在客西马尼园

He made the choice to surrender to His enemies 他作出的选择臣服于他的敌人

Know what it's like to walk the earth and get no love 知道是什么样子的地面行走,并没有得到爱情

Treated so cold like hands and ice with no gloves 对待如此寒冷如手和冰没有手套


[Chorus] [合唱]

They forget You're the Godman 他们忘记了你是Godman

Your Word says You were tempted on every hand 你的话语说你被诱惑了每手

yet they promise up and down that you don't understand 但他们答应上下,你不明白

Could it be an excuse to continue in sin 难道是一个借口,在罪中继续

Could it be in their greed that they want more 难道是在他们的贪婪,他们想要更多的

As if dyin' on the cross wasn't enough for them 好像快要枯萎在十字架上是不够的他们

Let's pretend and defend like it's the last rhyme 让我们假设,捍卫喜欢它的最后之韵

This is what I would say to persuade minds 这就是我要说的说服头脑



[Verse Three] [诗三]

No tongue should ever speak He don't know strugglin' 没有舌头应该过讲话,他不知道挣扎“

Heartache, heart break and sufferin' 心痛,心脏休息和痛苦中“

Spit on, whipped on, and thrown down 唾弃,鞭打,并拆毁了

A prophet without honor in His hometown own town 没有荣誉在家乡的小镇先知

We waitin' to see the spectacular and miraculous 我们一直等着看壮观和神奇

He cracked the grave and resurrected the miraculous 他破解了坟墓和复活的奇迹

Showed His love and died for us while we were yet sinners 显示了他的爱和为我们死在我们还作罪人

You're either generation X or blessed winners 你要么代X或祝福的赢家

Took many lashes and then shed blood 花了很多的睫毛,然后流血

Cried and sweat blood, God, now that's love that's love 哭和汗水血,神,现在是爱,是爱

What more can He do than He's already done 还有什么可他做的比他已经做了

Than to love the world so much that He sent His only begotten son 比爱世人,甚至将他派他的独生子

What more can He do to say that He loves your life 还有什么他能做的说,他爱你的生活

Than to wrap in human flesh and become the Christ 比来包装成肉身,成为基督

歌词 God Man 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/god-man/