歌词 "Gettin' Back Together Tonight" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Gettin' Back Together Tonight



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Lying here next to you, feeling the way I do 躺在这里你旁边,感觉我的方式

Feeling you hold me tight, feeling your love tonight 感觉你抱紧我,你今晚的爱的感觉

Talking and laughing at all that we've done 有说有笑的一切,我们已经做了

And we're gettin' back together tonight. 而且我们刚开今晚一起回来。


I had to go away, had to be gone a while 我不得不走,只好走了,而

I had some work to do, it nearly drove me wild 我有一些工作要做,这几乎使我疯狂

All of the loneliness fading away 所有的寂寞渐行渐远的

And we're gettin' back together tonight. 而且我们刚开今晚一起回来。


Oh, what a world it's been, 哦,呢个世界它一直,

The pain I've been living in without your love 痛我一直生活在没有你的爱

Wanting you, missing you, 想你,想念你,

Dreaming of kissing you and then waken up 做梦吻你,然后惊醒

I've been spending my nights 我已经花了我的夜晚

Counting the days still I'll be holding you tight 数着日子我依然会抱着你紧

And we're gettin' back together tonight. 而且我们刚开今晚一起回来。

Yeah, we're gettin' back together tonight. 是啊,我们刚开今晚一起回来。


[Instrumental] [器乐]


I flew home in the rain, there was a long delay 我在雨中飞奔回家,还有很长的延迟

There was some damage done We had so much to face 有一定的伤害,我们做了这么多的脸

Now is our chance to make everything right 现在是我们的机会,使一切权利

'Cause we're getting back together tonight. 因为我们一起回来,今晚。


Oh, what a world it's been, 哦,呢个世界它一直,

The pain I've been living in without your love 痛我一直生活在没有你的爱

Wanting you, missing you, 想你,想念你,

Dreaming of kissing you and then waken up 做梦吻你,然后惊醒

I've been spending my nights 我已经花了我的夜晚

Counting the days still I'll be holding you tight 数着日子我依然会抱着你紧

Well, we're gettin' back together tonight. 嗯,我们刚开今晚一起回来。

Yeah, we're gettin' back together, gettin' back together 是啊,我们刚开了重新走到一起,刚开了重新走到一起

Gettin' back together, gettin' back together, tonight... 刚开了一起回来,刚开了一起回来,今晚...


[Instrumental to fade] [器乐褪色]

歌词 Gettin' Back Together Tonight 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/gettin_-back-together-tonight/