歌词 "Gasoline" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Oh well oh well 噢哦

I guess you got it all worked out so far 我猜你得到它的所有工作迄今

You adjust your reason 你调整你的理由

Until you see the light from where you are 直到看到从你所在的光


But you can never win 但你永远无法取胜

You can never lose 你永远不能失去

That's the worst part 这是最糟糕的部分

You can only say that what you want 你只能说你想要什么

Is where you are 是你在哪里


Beautiful girl 美丽的女孩

Won't you listen to me 你不听我的

Well I tried so hard to give you what you need 嗯,我那么努力,给你你需要什么

And it burned like gasoline 它烧汽油一样


Oh well oh well 噢哦

It never took a lot to make this hard 它永远不会花了很多事情,使这个硬盘

Cuz you were so off balance 因为你是如此失去平衡

And I knew all the words to set you off 我知道所有的话来设置你过


But you can never win 但你永远无法取胜

You can never lose 你永远不能失去

That's the scorned heart 这就是蔑视心脏

Then you throw your head back 然后你把你的头向后仰

And you laugh at where we are 而你嘲笑我们在哪里

歌词 Gasoline 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/gasoline-19/

歌词 Gasoline 的作者与版权信息:


Robert Thomas


U Rule Music Inc., Emi April Music Inc.