歌词 "Don't Give Up On Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Don't Give Up On Me



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I fall down, I get up 我跌倒了,我拿起来

Just a man, flesh and blood 只是一个人,有血有肉

So I pray constantly 所以我不断地祈祷

Don't give up on me 不要放弃我


I am weak, you are strong 我软弱,你是坚强的

I need your love to carry on 我需要你的爱进行

Keep the faith, hear my plea 保持信心,听到我的请求

Don't give up on me 不要放弃我


I'm just a child, there's so much I don't know 我只是一个孩子,有这么多我不知道

I'm doing my best to learn as I go 我尽我所能去学习,因为我去

But I'm not afraid 不过,我不害怕

As long as you holding my hand 只要你牵着我的手


Don't know what you love me for 不知道你爱我

You deserve so much more 你值得拥有这么多

I would die if you set me free 如果你让我自由我会死

Don't give up on me 不要放弃我


I'm just a child, there's so much I don't know 我只是一个孩子,有这么多我不知道

I'm doing my best to learn as I go 我尽我所能去学习,因为我去

But I'm not afraid 不过,我不害怕

As long as you holding my hand 只要你牵着我的手


When my best ain't enough 当我最好是远远不够的

When my strength won't hold up 当我的力量会撑不起来

When I'm less and i can't live 当我少,我能不能活

Don't give up on me 不要放弃我


Keep the faith, hear my plea 保持信心,听到我的请求

Don't give up on me 不要放弃我

Don't give up on me 不要放弃我

歌词 Don't Give Up On Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/don_t-give-up-on-me-5/

歌词 Don't Give Up On Me 的作者与版权信息:


James Leblanc, Walt Aldridge


House Of Fame L.L.C.