歌词 "Don't Give It Up" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Don't Give It Up



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You say it's over, this time it's goodbye 你说这是结束了,这个时候说再见

Why won't you talk about it? 你为什么不谈谈吗?

Give me a reason why you never try 给我一个理由,为什么你不去尝试

You just can't walk out on it 你就不能走就可以了


A love collision, the end of the line 一个爱的碰撞,该行的末尾

You broke the seal upon our love 您对我们的爱打破了密封

The worst decision you thought at the time 你以为当时的最糟糕的决定

How did you feel about our love? 你是如何看待我们的爱情?

Cos I say you can't get away 因为我说你不能脱身

From what we had yesterday 从我们昨天


Don't give it up, don't give it up 不要放弃,不要放弃

You know my heart's on fire 你知道我的心脏是火

Don't give it up, don't give it up 不要放弃,不要放弃

I'm burning, I'm burning 我烧,我烧

Don't give it up, don't give it up 不要放弃,不要放弃

I'm asking you, don't give it up 我在问你,不要放弃


You were the woman that no-one could follow 你是说没有人可以跟女人

I never worried 'bout our love 我从来不担心回合我们的爱

We lived our lives like there would be no tomorrow 我们过着我们的生活就像不会有明天

That was the story of our love 这是我们爱的故事

And I say you can't get away 我说你不能脱身

My love for you is here to stay 我对你的爱在这里停留


Don't give it up, don't give it up 不要放弃,不要放弃

You know my heart's on fire 你知道我的心脏是火

Don't give it up, don't give it up 不要放弃,不要放弃

I'm burning, I'm burning 我烧,我烧

Don't give it up, don't give it up 不要放弃,不要放弃

I'm asking you, don't give it up 我在问你,不要放弃


And I say that you can't get away 我说,你脱不了干系

From what we had yesterday 从我们昨天

There's no chance you can get away 有没有机会,你可以逃脱

No I can't let you do that 不行,我不能让你这样做


Don't give it up, don't give it up 不要放弃,不要放弃

You know my heart's on fire 你知道我的心脏是火

Don't give it up, don't give it up 不要放弃,不要放弃

I'm burning, I'm burning for you 我烧,我烧给你

Don't give it up, don't give it up 不要放弃,不要放弃

Oh I'm begging you 哦,我求你了

Don't give it up, don't give it up 不要放弃,不要放弃

You know my heart's on fire 你知道我的心脏是火

Don't give it up, don't give it up 不要放弃,不要放弃

Don't give it up, stay with me 不要放弃,留在我身边

Don't give it up, don't give it up 不要放弃,不要放弃

You know my heart's on fire 你知道我的心脏是火

Don't give it up, don't give it up 不要放弃,不要放弃

Don't give it up, don't give it up 不要放弃,不要放弃

歌词 Don't Give It Up 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/don_t-give-it-up-1/

歌词 Don't Give It Up 的作者与版权信息:


Robbie Patton


Red Snapper Music