歌词 "Crash Course In Brain Surgery" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Crash Course In Brain Surgery



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Look inside and you will see, 看里面,你会看到,

The words are cutting deep inside my brain. 这句话是我的脑子里切深。

Thunder burning, quickly burning, 雷霆燃烧,燃烧迅速,

Knife of words is driving me insane, insane yeah. 字刀是推动我疯了,疯了啊。


Raven black is on my track, 黑乌鸦在我的轨道,

He shows me how to neutralize the knife. 他教我如何以中刀。

Show to me in surgery, 展示给我做手术,

The art of fighting words to conquer life, conquer life yeah. 战斗词的艺术征服生命,征服人生啊。


Now the wicked lance of fear, 现在恐惧的邪恶枪,

Is driving from my heady mountain brain. 从我的令人心醉的高山脑驾驶。

Crash course in brain surgery, 速成班脑外科,

Has stopped the bloody knife of words again yeah, yeah, yeah. 再次停话的血腥刀啊,是啊,是啊。

歌词 Crash Course In Brain Surgery 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/crash-course-in-brain-surgery/

歌词 Crash Course In Brain Surgery 的作者与版权信息:


Phillips, Bourge, Shelley


Essex Music International Inc.