歌词 "Bury Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Bury Me


歌词相关歌手:12 STONES

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Open your eyes and see what you find 睁开你的眼睛,看看你发现

This chance has passed us by 这个机会已经过去了我们

We're lost again 我们再度迷失

When I come to mind what do you see 当我来到介意你怎么看

A prison or paradise 监狱或天堂

Honestly I don't want to know 老实说,我也不想知道


So bury me, bury me down 所以把我埋了,把我埋了下来

I dare you to make believe you're better now 我敢说你假装你现在是更好的

I dare you to 我敢说你


I think of the times that I saw you cry 我想我看见你哭的时代

A pain with no alibi 用任何借口好难受

We lost control 我们失去了控制

But I'd rather die than go through this life 但我宁可死也不愿过这种生活

Knowing that I'm to blame 知道我惹的祸

Honestly time won't change a thing 老实说,时间不会改变任何事情


So bury me, bury me down 所以把我埋了,把我埋了下来

I dare you to make believe you're better now 我敢说你假装你现在是更好的

I dare you to bury me, bury me down 你若敢把我埋了,把我埋了下来

I dare you to make believe you're better now 我敢说你假装你现在是更好的

I dare you to 我敢说你


All this pain has pulled me under 这一切的痛苦已经把我拉到下

All this pain has run me to my end 这一切的痛苦已经用完了我我到底


So bury me, bury me down 所以把我埋了,把我埋了下来

I dare you to make believe you're better now 我敢说你假装你现在是更好的

I dare you to bury me, bury me down 你若敢把我埋了,把我埋了下来

I dare you to make believe you're better now 我敢说你假装你现在是更好的

I dare you to 我敢说你


Open your eyes 睁开你的眼睛

See what you find 看看你找到

歌词 Bury Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/bury-me-8/