歌词 "British Summertime" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

British Summertime



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Leaving at dawn to beat the traffic, do you remember that too? 留在黎明击败流量,你还记得吗?

Curled asleep on the back seat, do you remember that too? 后座上睡着了卷曲,你还记得吗?

The soundless dark, the empty road, do you remember that too? 在无声的黑暗中,空路,你还记得吗?

And that child asleep, only eight years old, do you recognise as you? 那孩子睡着了,只有八岁,你承认是你吗?


June, July, September, stretched ahead and out of view. 六月,七月,九月,伸展向前,拿出来看。

The whole world seemed a safe place, and never ending too. 整个世界似乎是一个安全的地方,永远不会结束了。

But it was never as simple as you thought, there were just things you never knew, 但它从来没有像你想象的那么简单,还有刚刚的事情你永远不知道,

and up ahead your parents bore the weight of all their worries and yours too. 而前方父母承担所有的烦恼和你的重量了。


Windows down on the coast road, wanting to be first to see the sea. 窗下的沿海公路,想要成为第一个看海。

The whole world seemed a safe place, temporarily. 整个世界似乎是一个安全的地方,暂时的。

But it was never as simple as you thought, and you found out as you grew, 但它从来没有这么简单,你想,你发现你的成长,

that up ahead your parents had borne the weight of all their worries and yours too. 在前方的父母承担所有的烦恼和你的重量了。

All their worries and yours too. 所有的忧虑和你过。

歌词 British Summertime 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/british-summertime/

歌词 British Summertime 的作者与版权信息:


Tracey Thorn, Ben Watt


Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Uk) Limited