歌词 "Blue Oyster Cult" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Blue Oyster Cult



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I am becalmed in virtue 我无风的美德

Lost to nothing on a bay of dreams 失去了什么对梦想的海湾

Warm weather and a holocaust 温暖的天气和大屠杀

The tears of God flow as I bleed 上帝的眼泪流为我流血


Left to die by two good friends 留下的两个好朋友死

Abandoned me and put to sleep 抛弃了我,把睡觉

On a shore where oyster beds 在岸边,其中牡蛎

Seem plush as down 看起来毛毛的下

And ripe enough for the luxor dream 而对于卢克索的梦想不够成熟


Recall the dream of luxor 回想卢克索的梦想

How fluids will arrive 如何流体将抵达

As if by call or schedule 仿佛电话或时间表

Resume through the morning tide 简历通过早潮

Where entry is by seaweed gate 凡项目是由海藻门

And plan the plan of dreams 并计划梦想计划

To lose oneself in reverb 失去自己的混响

In all that is and all that seems 在所有的是,所有这似乎


So ladies, fish, and gentlemen 因此,女士们,鱼,嘉宾

Here's my angled dream 这里是我的梦想成角

To see me in the blue sky bag 看到我在蓝天袋

And meet me by the sea 和我见面的海


The oyster boys are swimming now 牡蛎男孩现在是游泳

To claim me back from the dead 要求我从死里复活

The creatures back from vertigo 生物眩晕回来

They fear to fall but haven't fell 他们担心下跌,但没有下降

Will reclaim tries and try again 将回收的尝试​​,然后再试一次


The oyster boys are swimming now 牡蛎男孩现在是游泳

Hear them chatter on the tide 听到他们喋喋不休上潮

Of the lost and language lost 的丢失,失去语言

Hear them chatter on the tide 听到他们喋喋不休上潮


We understand, we understand, we understand 据我们了解,我们理解,我们的理解

And so do I 所以我

We understand, we understand 据我们了解,我们理解

But fright is real 但是,怯场是真实的

And so am I 而且我也相信


So ladies, fish, and gentlemen 因此,女士们,鱼,嘉宾

Here's my angled dream 这里是我的梦想成角

To see me in the blue sky bag 看到我在蓝天袋

And meet me by the sea 和我见面的海


The entry to lost vestibule 该条目丢失前庭

Opens on the bay 打开上涌

An instant shape of mercury 汞的瞬间造型

Lost and then retained 丢失,然后保留

An instant is an eyelash 转眼就是睫毛

Caught on the tide 风行潮流

Imaginos! Imaginos !

Below this bay 下面这个海湾

And then besides... 然后,除了...


The oyster boys are swimming now 牡蛎男孩现在是游泳

One deal is what we made 一笔交易是我们做

Forest keys and whirlwind cold 林键和冷旋风

Green keys too and keys of gold 绿键也和黄金钥匙

Even locks that won't explode 即使锁不会发生爆炸

When the skies become a scroll 当天空变成了滚动

Having lost its interest 由于失去了兴趣

See that's the deal we made 看到这就是我们所做的交易

Just to join the Oyster Cult 刚加入牡蛎崇拜

The Blue Oyster Cult 蓝色牡蛎崇拜


We Understand, we understand - Blue Oyster Cult 据我们了解,我们理解 - 蓝色牡蛎崇拜

歌词 Blue Oyster Cult 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/blue-oyster-cult/

歌词 Blue Oyster Cult 的作者与版权信息:


Samuel Pearlman, E. Bloom


Sony/ATV Tunes LLC