歌词 "Bad Girl" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Bad Girl



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Something's missing and I don't know why 有什么地方丢失的,我不知道为什么

I always feel the need to hide my feelings from you 我总觉得有必要向你隐瞒我的感情

Is it me or you that I'm afraid of 是我还是你,我怕

I tell myself I'll show you what I'm made of 我告诉自己,我会告诉你什么是我做的

Can't bring myself to let you go 不能让自己让你走


[Bridge (first time without first "I"):] [桥(首次没有先“老子” ) : ]


I don't want to cause you any pain 我不想给你带来任何痛苦

But I love you just the same 不过,我爱你一样

And you'll always be my baby 你永远是我的宝贝

In my heart I know we've come apart 在我的心脏,我知道我们已经分开来

And I don't know where to start 我不知道从哪里开始

What can I do, I don't wanna feel blue 我能做些什么,我不想感到悲伤


[Chorus1:] [ CHORUS1 : ]


Bad girl drunk by six 坏女孩醉六

Kissing someone else's lips 亲吻别人的唇

Smoked too many cigarettes today 今天抽太多烟

I'm not happy when I act this way 我不开心时,我这样的行为


[Chorus2:] [ Chorus2 : ]


Bad girl drunk by six 坏女孩醉六

Kissing some kind stranger's lips 接吻某种陌生的嘴唇

Smoked too many cigarettes today 今天抽太多烟

I'm not happy, I'm not happy 我不开心,我不开心


Something's happened and I can't go back 事情的发生,我不能回去

I fall apart every time you hand your heart out to me 每一次你的手你的心脏给我看时我心已碎

What happens now, I know I don't deserve you 现在会发生什么,我知道我配不上你

I wonder how I'm ever gonna hurt you 我不知道,我永远会伤害你

Can't bring myself to let you go 不能让自己让你走


[bridge] [桥]

[chorus1] [ CHORUS1 ]

[chorus2] [ chorus2 ]

This way 这样,


[bridge] [桥]

[chorus1, repeat] [ CHORUS1 ,重复]

I'm not happy this way 我不开心这样

[chorus1] [ CHORUS1 ]

[chorus2, substituting "someone else's" for "some kind stranger's"] [ chorus2 ,代以“别人的”为“某种陌生的”]

This way 这样,


I'm not happy this way 我不开心这样

Kissing some kind stranger's lips 接吻某种陌生的嘴唇

歌词 Bad Girl 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/bad-girl-15/

歌词 Bad Girl 的作者与版权信息:


Madonna Ciccone, Anthony Shimkin, Madonna, Shep Pettibone


Webo Girl Publishing Inc., Downtown Music Publishing LLC, WB Music Corp.