歌词 "AWOL" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Stormy-eyed on the edge of dawn... 在黎明的边缘暴风雨眼...

nose pressed against the triple glaze. 鼻子压在三重釉。

Floor to ceiling, wall to wall, 地板到天花板,墙到墙,

silent traffic streams both ways. 无声的交通流是双向的。

Along the fussy freeway drivers 沿高速公路繁琐的驱动程序

dream of Sunday barbecues. 梦见周日烤肉。

Of a sudden, seems I can barely 突然间,我似乎可以勉强

face my self... no face to lose. 面对我自己......没面子输。

Call the bosses. Call supervisors. 叫老板。呼叫监事。

Won't be in today to work for you. 不会在今天为你工作。


E-mail that girl who's working nights. 电子邮件的女孩谁的工作之夜。

She can dress down for this wind and rain. 她抢白这个风雨。

Leave her new Korean compact... 离开她的新韩紧凑型...

let some cabbie take the strain. 让一些出租车司机采取的应变。

Take a shower. Take big espresso. 洗澡。以大咖啡。

Take to the hills, and take a view. 走上山头,走了看法。

Little black dress stretching over 小黑裙绵延

hard crystal peaks; soft valleys too. 硬质结晶峰;柔软的山谷了。

Call the bosses. Call for nurses. 叫老板。呼叫护士。

Unfit today to work for you. 今天不适合工作适合你。


No wet excuses. Absent without leave. 无湿借口。擅离职守。

I'll be her dayshift driver... exotic engineer. 我将她dayshift司机......异国工程师。


Stormy-eyed on the edge of night... 在夜的边缘暴风雨眼...

(December, Eastern time... late afternoon.) (月,美国东部时间......傍晚。 )

Atlantic City tight behind. 大西洋城的紧后面。

Trump Casino calls pontoon. 特朗普赌场调用浮桥。

Gristle-burger, frazzled fries 软骨,汉堡,薯条疲惫不堪

end this romantic interlude. 结束这个浪漫的插曲。

Tomorrow morning's sweet awakening 明天凌晨的甜蜜的觉醒

could hardly prove to be as rude. 很难证明是粗鲁。

Make the journey. Make amends. 让旅程。弥补。

Work some hasty overtime in lieu. 代替工作有些仓促加班。


No wet excuses. Absent With-Out leave. 无湿借口。因事缺席退房走人。

I was her dayshift driver... exotic engineer. 我是她的dayshift司机......异国工程师。

歌词 AWOL 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/awol-2/

歌词 AWOL 的作者与版权信息:


Ian Scott Anderson


The Ian Anderson Group Of Companies Ltd.