歌词 "As You Said" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

As You Said



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Let's go down to where it's clean 让我们再往里是干净的

To see the time that might have been. 要看到,可能是时间。

The tides have carried off the beach. 潮汐都进行了沙滩上。

As you said, 正如你所说,

The sun is out of reach. 太阳是遥不可及。


Let's go back to where it's clean 让我们回去的地方是干净的

To see what year it might have been. 看是哪一年它可能是。

The roads have carried off the smiles. 这些道路都进行了微笑。

As you said, 正如你所说,

To judge them at the trials. 要判断他们的审判。


Let's go back to now that's bad 让我们再回到现在,这是很糟糕

To see the time we might have had. 要看到,我们可能有时间。

The rails have carried off the trains. 铁轨已经进行过的火车。

As you said, 正如你所说,

I'll never come again, again, again, again. 我永远不会再来了,一而再,再,再一次。

歌词 As You Said 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/as-you-said/

歌词 As You Said 的作者与版权信息:


Jack Bruce, Peter Constantine Brown


Dratleaf Music Ltd.