歌词 "Any King's Shilling" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Any King's Shilling



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You're a fine one, oh yes you are 你是个精细的,哦,是你

You're a fine one just like me 你是个好1我一样

And we're friends now, oh wouldn't you say? 我们是朋友了,​​哦不,你说什么?

We've been friends now, oh haven't we? 现在,我们一直是朋友,噢,不是吗?

Stay at home tonight if you know what's good 留在家里,今晚,如果你知道什么是好的

for you 为了你

I can't say more it would be telling 我不能说更多的将它告诉

For if you don't what will become of you 因为如果你没有什么能成为你

Just isn't worth any king's shilling 只是不值得任何王先令

I will answer when they make that call, pull 我会回答,当他们打这通电话,拉

upon this ragged uniform 在这个衣衫褴褛的统一

Up till now I know it's been your trade 到现在为止我知道这是你的交易

Spit and polish the potato parade 随地吐痰和抛光土豆阅兵

Stay at home tonight if you know what's good 留在家里,今晚,如果你知道什么是好的

for you 为了你

I can't say more it would be telling 我不能说更多的将它告诉

For if you don't what will become of you 因为如果你没有什么能成为你

Just isn't worth any king's shilling 只是不值得任何王先令


Please don't put your silly head in that pretty 请不要把你的傻头的那个漂亮

soldier's hat 士兵的帽子

You've done your duty, that's enough of that 你做你的责任,那是够了


I don't know if what I'm doing is right 我不知道如果我在做什么是正确的

I don't know if you should be forgiving 我不知道你是否应该宽容

But for me it seems it means my life 但对我来说,似乎就意味着我的生活

While for you it could just be a living 虽然对你来说可能只是一个活

Stay at home tonight if you know what's good 留在家里,今晚,如果你知道什么是好的

for you 为了你

I can't say more it would be telling 我不能说更多的将它告诉

For if you don't what will become of you 因为如果你没有什么能成为你

Just isn't worth any king's shilling 只是不值得任何王先令


Please don't put your silly head in that British 请不要把你的傻头,英国

soldier's hat 士兵的帽子

You've done your duty that's enough of that 你做你的责任那是够了


You're a fine one, oh yes you are 你是个精细的,哦,是你

You're a fine one, just like me 你是个精致的,只是喜欢我

歌词 Any King's Shilling 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/any-king_s-shilling/