歌词 "Animal" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Looking for a girl that was here but now she's gone, 寻找一个女孩,在这里,但现在她走了,

Felt so good even though she didn't move on, 感觉真好,即使她不动了,

She knows what I want but she's bad for me, 她知道我想要什么,但她对我不好,

She gets what she wants when she's touching me, 她得到她想要当她抚摸我的东西,

I shoulda known better but she took my self control, 没我早该知道更好,但她把我的自我控制,


You can take my heart like a criminal, 你可以把我的心脏就像一个罪犯,

Won't you make me believe I'm the only one? 你会不会让我相信我是唯一一个?

So grab me by the neck and don't you ever let go, 因此,抓住了我的脖子,你不放手,

Mess me up so good until I'm begging for more, 惹了我那么好,直到我乞求更多,

You tear me apart like an animal... 你撕我除了像动物一样......

Like an animal, animal, 像动物,动物


I know I'm getting close from the trail of broken hearts, 我知道我越来越近,从破碎的心的踪迹,

Hope she coming back to finish what she started, 希望她回来完成她开始,

I never see the claws until she's touching me, 我从来没有看到爪子,直到她的抚摸我,

She's holding me so tight it's getting hard to breath, 她抱着我这么紧,很难得到呼吸,

I'll never win the game but it feels too good to care, 我永远也不会赢得比赛,但感觉太良好照顾,


You can take my heart like a criminal, 你可以把我的心脏就像一个罪犯,

(Like a criminal, like a criminal) (像犯人一样,像犯人一样)

Won't you make me believe I'm the only one? 你会不会让我相信我是唯一一个?

(I'm the only one, I'm the only one) (我是唯一的一个,我是唯一的一个)

So grab me by the neck and don't you ever let go, 因此,抓住了我的脖子,你不放手,

Mess me up so good until I'm begging for more, 惹了我那么好,直到我乞求更多,

You tear me apart like an animal... 你撕我除了像动物一样......

Like an animal, animal, 像动物,动物


Take me to the dark and don't you ever let go, 带我到黑暗,永远也不要放过,

I like it when you treat me like an animal, 我喜欢它,当你把我当成一个动物,

Take me to the dark and don't you ever let go, 带我到黑暗,永远也不要放过,

I like it when you treat me like an animal, 我喜欢它,当你把我当成一个动物,

Take me to the dark and don't you ever let go, 带我到黑暗,永远也不要放过,

I like it when you treat me like an animal, 我喜欢它,当你把我当成一个动物,

Take me to the dark and don't you ever let go, 带我到黑暗,永远也不要放过,

I like it when you treat me like an animal, 我喜欢它,当你把我当成一个动物,


(You can take my heart like a criminal) (你可以把我的心脏像犯人一样)

So grab me by the neck and don't you ever let go, 因此,抓住了我的脖子,你不放手,

Mess me up so good until I'm begging for more, 惹了我那么好,直到我乞求更多,

You tear me apart like an animal... 你撕我除了像动物一样......

Like an animal, animal. 像动物,动物。

歌词 Animal 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/animal-21/

歌词 Animal 的作者与版权信息:


Kurtis Mackenzie, Jonathan Mills, Jason Pebworth, George Astasio, Sophie Stern, Joey Dyer, Richard Cowie, Connor Maynard, Jonathan Shave, Conor Maynard, Jason Andrew Pebworth, Jon Mills


Turnfirst Limited, Lateral, Emi Music Publishing Ltd., International Roc Nation Music, Roc International Publishing, Universal, Astasio Music Ltd., Prescription Songs LLC, Roc Nation, Pebworth Music Ltd., Universal Music Publishing Ltd., WB Music Corp., Songs Of Southside Independent Music Publishi