英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 What A Wonderful World 中的所有曲目
专辑 What A Wonderful World 中的所有曲目:

What A Wonderful World


类型: album

[English]Lord, I Hope This Day Is Good

[English lyric] Lord. I hope this day is good I'm feeling empty like you know I would I should be thankful Lord I know I should But Lord I hope this day is good Lord have you forgotten me I've ...

[中文对照] 主。我希望这一天是好的 我感觉空像你知道我会 我应该感谢上帝,我知道我应该 但主,我希望这一天是好的 主啊,你忘了我 我一直在祈祷,你忠实 ...

[English]Amazing Grace

[English lyric] Amazing grace! How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace ...

[中文对照] 奇异恩典! 多么甜蜜的声音 拯救了像我这般无助。 我曾经迷失,但现在我发现, 是盲目的,但现在我明白了。 何等恩典,使我的心脏恐惧, ...

[English]Lean On Me

[English lyric] Sometimes there are lives We all have pain we all have sorrow But if we are wise We know that there's always tomorrow Lean on me when you're not strong And I'll be your friend, ...

[中文对照] 有时也有生命 我们每个人都有痛苦,我们都悲哀 但是,如果我们是明智的 我们知道,总会有明天 依靠我,当你不强 我会是你的朋友,我会帮助你坚持下去 ...

[English]Just A Closer Walk With Thee / Take My Hand Lord Jes

[English lyric] I am weak, but Thou art strong Jesus, keep me from all wrong I'll be satisfied as long As I walk, let me walk close to Thee. [Chorus 1:] Just a closer walk with Thee Grant it, ...

[中文对照] 我软弱,你却是强 耶稣,让我从所有的错 我会满意,只要 当我走,让我走近你。 [合唱1 : ] 只是与你近距离的步行路程 授予它,耶稣是我的请求 ...

[English]Let It Be

[English lyric] When I find myself in times of trouble, mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be. And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me, speaking ...

[中文对照] 当我发觉自己陷入苦恼的时候圣母玛利亚来到我面前, 说着智慧的话,顺其自然。 而在我黑暗的时刻里她就站在我的面前, 说着智慧的话,顺其自然。 ...

[English]Softly And Tenderly

[English lyric] Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling Calling for you and for me See on the portals, He's waiting and watching Watching for you and for me Come home, come home Ye who are weary ...

[中文对照] 轻轻地,温柔耶稣呼唤 呼唤你,为我 见的门户网站,他在观望 看着你和我 回家,回家 你们谁是疲惫回家 认真,温柔耶稣呼唤 呼,哦,罪人回家 ...

[English]Let There Be Love - Dawn Langstroth

[English lyric] Every life has a plan Though sometimes the map is out of our hands Every day is a step Though we may not know the reason just yet When your faith fails When your dreams sleep ...

[中文对照] 每个生命都有一个计划 虽然有时地图超出我们的手 每一天都是一个步 虽然我们可能不知道原因,只是还没有 当你失败的信念 当你的梦想入睡 ...

[English]I Believe In You

[English lyric] They ask me how I feel and if my love is real And how I know I'll make it through And they, they look at me and frown, they'd like to drive me from this town They don't want me ...

[中文对照] 他们问我怎么觉得,如果我的爱是真实的 我怎么知道我会做到 而他们,他们看着我,皱眉,他们想从这个小镇开车送我 他们不希望我身边,因为我相信你 ...

[English]It Is No Secret

[English lyric] The chimes of time ring out the news Another day is through Someone slipped and fell Was that someone you? You may have longed for added strength Your courage to renew Do not ...

[中文对照] 时间环的风铃出来的消息 还有一天就是通过 有人不慎跌倒 当时,有人吗? 你可能渴望补充体力 你的勇气续约 不要灰心 因为我有你的消息 ...

[English]What A Wonderful World

[English lyric] I see trees of green, red roses too I see them bloom for me and you And I think to myself, what a wonderful world I see skies of blue and clouds of white Bright blessed day, ...

[中文对照] 我看太绿,红玫瑰树 我看到他们绽放我和你 我心里想着,多么美妙的世界 我看到了蓝天与白云 光明幸福的一天,黑暗圣夜 我心里想着,多么美妙的世界 ...

[English]Peace In The Valley

[English lyric] Well, I'm tired and so weary, but I must go along 'Til the Lord comes and calls, calls me away Where the morning's so bright, and the Lamb is the light And the night, night is ...

[中文对照] 好吧,我累了,感到多么的疲倦,但我必须走 \'直到主来和电话,叫我走 当早晨是如此明亮,又有羔羊为城的灯 而晚上,夜晚是漆黑如海 ...

[English]Other Side

[English lyric] Throught each life time - run rivers to cross What if there's no life line and you're sinking or lost Just believe in your direction, let your heart explore 'Cause you can't ...

[中文对照] Throught每个人一生的时间 - 的河流穿越 如果没有生命线,你就下沉或丢失 只要相信你的方向,让你的心脏探索 因为你不能达到新的视野站在岸上。 ...

[English]Old Rugged Cross

[English lyric] On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross The emblem of suffering and shame And I love that old cross where the dearest and best For a world of lost sinners was slain So ...

[中文对照] 在山上,远处站着一个古老的十字架 痛苦和耻辱的象征 我喜欢那个老过的地方,最亲爱的和最好的 对于失去了罪人的世界被杀害 所以我会珍惜古老的十字架 ...

[English]I Can See Clearly Now

[English lyric] I can see clearly now, the rain is gone, I can see all the obstacles in my way Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) ...

[中文对照] 我可以清楚地看到,现在,雨走了, 我可以看到在我的道路上的一切障碍 飘的乌云说让我失明 这会是一个光明(光明) ,亮(亮)太阳闪亮的日子。 ...

[English]In The Garden

[English lyric] I come to the garden alone While the dew is still on the roses And the voice I hear, falling on my ear The Son of God discloses And He walks with me And He talks with me And He ...

[中文对照] 我到花园里独 而露仍然在玫瑰 我听到的声音,落在我的耳朵 神的儿子公开 和他走了我 他与我说话 他告诉我,我是他自己 和喜悦,我们分享,我们留连有 ...

[English]You've Got A Friend

[English lyric] When you're down and troubled And you need a helping hand And nothing, nothing is going right Close your eyes and think of me And soon I will be there To brighten up even your ...

[中文对照] 当你意志消沉,陷入困境 你需要一只援助之手 并没有什么,没有什么会权 闭上眼睛,想想我 很快我会在那里 照亮甚至你最黑暗的夜晚 你刚才叫我的名字 ...

[English]Whispering Hope

[English lyric] Soft as the voice of an angel Breathing a lesson unheard Hope with a gentle persuasion Whispers a comforting word Wait till the darkness is over Wait till the tempest is done ...

[中文对照] 柔软如天使般的声音 呼吸的教训闻所未闻 希望有一个温柔的劝说 耳语一句安慰的话 等到黑暗已经过去 等到暴风雨完成 希望在明天的阳光 阵雨过后就没了 ...

[English]Put A Little Love In Your Heart

[English lyric] Throught each life time - run rivers to cross What if there's no life line and you're sinking or lost Just believe in your direction Let your heart explore Cause you can't ...

[中文对照] Throught每个人一生的时间 - 的河流穿越 如果没有生命线,你就下沉或丢失 只要相信你的方向 让你的心脏探索 因为你不能达到新的境界 站在岸边 ...

[English]How Great Thou Art

[English lyric] Oh Lord my God When I in awesome wonder Consider all the works Thy hands have made I see the stars I hear the rolling thunder Thy power throughout The universe displayed Then ...

[中文对照] 上帝,我的上帝啊 当我真棒奇迹 考虑所有的作品 你的手制造 我看到了星星 我听到隆隆雷声 在整个你的力量 显示宇宙 我灵歌唱 我的救主,上帝,祢 ...

[English]Song Of Bernadette

[English lyric] There was a child named Bernadette I heard the story long ago She saw the queen of heaven once And kept the vision in her soul No one believed what she had seen No one believed ...

[中文对照] 有一个叫贝尔纳黛特的孩子 很久以前我就听过的故事 她看见天上的女皇曾经 并保持视力在她的灵魂 没有人相信她所看到的 没有人相信她听到的 有悲伤得医治 ...


[English lyric] I have no fancy sermon, Just a plain and a simple song, That you can play in the key of 'A', If you'd like to sing along, It's all about the way things are, And not the way ...

[中文对照] 我没有华丽的布道, 只是一个普通而简单的歌曲, 您可以在“A”的关键发挥, 如果你想唱歌, 这是关于事物的本质, 而不是事情的方式可能是, ...

[English]Bridge Over Troubled Water

[English lyric] When you're weary, feelin' small, When tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all, I'm on your side. Oh, when times get rough. And friends just can't be found, Like a bridge ...

[中文对照] 当你疲惫,感觉小, 当眼泪在你的眼睛, 我将拭干它们我就在你身旁。 哦,当时代获得粗糙。 和朋友只是无法找到, 就像在恶水上的大桥 我会躺下。 ...

[English]If You See My Savior

[English lyric] I was standing by the bedside of a neighbor Who was bound to cross Jordan's swelling tide And I asked him if he woudl do me a favor And kindly take this message to the other ...

[中文对照] 我站在邻居的床头 谁被捆绑过乔丹的狂潮 我问他,如果他woudl帮我一个忙 并请把这个讯息给对方 如果你看到我的救主告诉他,你看到我 ...

[English]Jacob's Ladder

[English lyric] We are climbing Jacob's ladder We are climbing Jacob's ladder We are climbing Jacob's ladder Soldiers of the cross. Every rung goes higher and higher Every rung goes higher and ...

[中文对照] 我们是在爬山雅各的天梯 我们是在爬山雅各的天梯 我们是在爬山雅各的天梯 十字架的士兵。 每个梯级走高 每个梯级走高 每一个梯级,更高 十字架的士兵。 ...

[English]Nearer My God To Thee

[English lyric] Nearer, my God to Thee, nearer to Thee Even though it be a cross that raiseth me Still all my song shall be nearer, my God, to Thee Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee ...

[中文对照] 近,我的神,你,接近祢 尽管它是一个跨113:那我 还是我所有的歌应是越近,我的上帝,祢 近,我的上帝,你,接近祢 虽然像游子太阳倒地 ...

[English]Lord's Prayer

[English lyric] Our Father Which art in heaven Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth As it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses ...

[中文对照] 我们的父亲 在天上 神圣被你的名字 你的国降临 愿你的旨意行在地上 因为它是在天上 让我们在这一天,我们每天的面包 免我们的债 如同我们免了谁的债 ...