英语人>词典>汉英 : 舞 的英文翻译,例句
舞 的英文翻译、例句

move about as in a dance · dance with sth. in one's hands
更多网络例句与舞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is the film which encourage the youngsters to pursue their dreams. I acted as a hip- pop boy who also have the ability of wushu,named Xiaofeng in stead of Heshang at first.Once when I was capturing a thief,I run across the captain of the hip-pop team.He think that my ability of Wushu can help them,so he invite me to enjoy their team to be a member of it.In the following days,we make great efforts to practise dancing and help each other.Finally,we get the campion cup at breakdance contest.


And so, in that derelict museum, upon the thick soft carpeting of dust, to Weena's huge delight, I solemnly performed a kind of composite dance, whistling THE LAND OF THE LEAL as cheerfully as I could. In part it was a modest CANCAN, in part a step dance, in part a skirt-dance (so far as my tail-coat permitted), and in part original.


The troupe presents varied and interesting programmers ranging from the lively and cheerful farandole dance, sword dance, Moresque dance and harvest dance to the gavotte dance of classic elegance.


First belly dance club signed the first batch of belly dancing, yoga instructor; BELLY INFANTA the Company

第一肚皮俱乐部签约教练;BELLY INFANTA团签约艺员五环体育蹈学校肚皮教练,碧海蓝天瑜伽会馆肚皮教练,五环高尔夫健身会馆肚皮教练,灵易瑜伽会馆肚皮教练,禹然今日瑜伽肚皮教练丽景健身会馆肚皮教练

B type of dance舞: The rumba is a Latin-American dance.


About the game:"Outblaze舞吧" is Guangyu Group Shenyang Blue Torch Software Co., Ltd., a dance of self-developed casual games.


Outblaze舞吧 amazing fashion figures, the unique leisure bar is designed to provide the best friends places gamers.


TITLES SOLO CONTEST - Winner of European 1vs1 Ultimate B-Boy session 2 - Germany 1998 - Winner of the best B-Boy at BOTY Scandinavia Sweden 2001 - Winner of the 1vs1 UK-CHAMPIONSHIP - London 2001 - Winner of the TV -show STAR SEARCH - Denmark 2004 - 4th place - REDBULL BC-ONE - Switzerland 2004 CREW CONTEST - Winner of the Scandinavian BOTY 2001.2004.2005 - Winner of the Scandinavian CIRCLE REVOLVING 2004 - Winner of the URBAN GAMES London 2006 - Winner of the HIPHOP CONECTION Italy 2006 - Winner of the BLOCK PARTY Monpellier France 2006 - Winner of the BREAKDANCE SESSION Poland 2004 - Winner of the FLOOR WARS Copenhagen Denmark 2006 - Winner of BOTY Scandinavia 2005 JUDGE - BATTLE MASTER Korea 2004 - B-BOY HODOWN Texas 2005 - THE MOST WANTED Catania Italy 2005 - CARA A CARA Valencia Spain 2005 - BOTY Poland 2005 - BOTY East Germany 2006 - BOTY France 2006 - BOTY Korea 2006 - GAMES ON DA FLOOR Igualada Spain 2006 - REDBULL BEAT BATTLE London 2006 - UK B-BOY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2006 - RED BULL BC ONE, Brazil, 2006

个人比赛奖项:- 1998年德国,欧洲极限单人对决b-boy第2季冠军- 2001年瑞典斯堪的纳维亚BOTY街比赛年度最佳的B -boy - 2001年英国伦敦锦标赛担单人决冠军- 2004年丹麦寻找明星电视节目选秀冠军- 2004年瑞士红牛一对一斗比赛第四名团体竞赛奖项:-斯堪的纳维亚BOTY街比赛2001.2004.2005年度冠军- 2004年的斯堪的纳维亚旋转比赛冠军- 2006年伦敦城市运动会冠军- 2006年意大利说唱嘻哈接龙冠军- 2006年蒙比利埃街区音乐派对冠军- 2004年波兰霹雳赛季冠军- 2006年丹麦哥本哈根击倒作战赛冠军- 2005年斯堪的纳维亚BOTY街比赛冠军曾担任的评审:- 2004年韩国战斗大师- 2005年得克萨斯州HODOWN b-boy - 2005年意大利卡塔尼亚龙虎新风云- 2005年西班牙瓦伦西亚闪- 2005年波兰博特街- 2006年东德博特街- 2006年法国博特街- 2006年韩国博特街- 2006西班牙伊瓜拉达游戏地板- 2006年伦敦红牛对决战- 2006年英国b-boy锦标赛- 2006年红牛斗比赛

Rocky MAOUNTAIN dancers performs dance from throughout the United States, including square dances, clogging, pioneer dances, contras, quadrilles, reels, Appalachian Mountain dances and New England dances.


January 1988 a new Fengxian transferred back to the jurisdiction of Shaoguan City, until now. New Fengxian many types of folk art:"There is dancing grand, fire dragon dance, dance phoenix dance Chunniu, lion dance, music and dance carp, singing tea-picking and singing folk songs" in a large number of folk arts, dance is the paper horse County's "fist product." In 1988, the Xinfeng paper horse dance dance is not only out of their places in Guangzhou, but also made into a video sent to Beijing took a prize.


更多网络解释与舞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Best Damn Dance Break:酷到爆街舞秀 (中场休息舞群街舞秀)

06. I Always Get What I Want給我就對了 | 07. Best Damn Dance Break酷到爆街秀 (中場休息群街秀) | 08. When You're Gone 從你離開後

Best d#amn Dance Break:酷到爆街舞秀 (中场休息舞群街舞秀)

06. I Always Get What I Want 要什么有什么ZJ.% | 07. Best d#amn Dance Break 酷到爆街秀 (中场休息群街秀)} | 08. When You're Gone 从你离开后/




[拉丁篇]牛仔(jive)简介[拉丁篇]牛仔(jive)简介[拉丁篇]牛仔(cowboy)简介起源于美国南部,它与吉特巴(jitterbug)可说是孪生兄弟. 音乐为4/4拍,速度每分钟43小节左右. 牛仔以其音乐欢快、态风趣、步伐活泼. 它有明确的步法,

morris dance:莫里斯舞

16~20世纪的宫廷与社交正式蹈通常也从民族蹈发展而来;包括嘉禾、吉格、马厝卡、小步、波卡、森巴、探戈和华尔滋. 参阅乡村(country dance)、草裙(hula)、莫里斯(morris dance)、方块(square dance)、剑(sword dance)和踢躂(tap dance).

round dance:轮舞

内容 轮 (round dance) 即圆圈,或称环. 欧洲民间蹈中流行最广的形式. 它的历史久远. 实际上,圆圈是迄今仍然活在世界各地人民群众中的、人类蹈文化中最基本、最普遍的蹈现象,并非欧洲所特有,在非洲、亚洲和大洋洲都存在着风格各异的圆圈.

Just dance. Spin that record babe:舞力全開 唱片給他橋落去

Da-doo-doo-doo | Just dance. Spin that record babe.力全開 唱片給他橋落去 | Da-doo-doo-doo

square dance:方块舞

16~20世纪的宫廷与社交正式蹈通常也从民族蹈发展而来;包括嘉禾、吉格、马厝卡、小步、波卡、森巴、探戈和华尔滋. 参阅乡村(country dance)、草裙(hula)、莫里斯(morris dance)、方块(square dance)、剑(sword dance)和踢躂(tap dance).

sword dance:剑舞

16~20世纪的宫廷与社交正式蹈通常也从民族蹈发展而来;包括嘉禾、吉格、马厝卡、小步、波卡、森巴、探戈和华尔滋. 参阅乡村(country dance)、草裙(hula)、莫里斯(morris dance)、方块(square dance)、剑(sword dance)和踢躂(tap dance).

Wisdom's Dance of the Skeleton:智慧的骷髅之舞智慧的骷髅之舞智慧的骷髅之舞智慧的骷髅之舞]

9) An Apple Tree in Sunlight [ 阳光中的苹果... | 10) Wisdom's Dance of the Skeleton [ 智慧的骷髅之智慧的骷髅之智慧的骷髅之智慧的骷髅之] | 11) Seawater Bites Deepest to the Bone [ 最刺骨的火焰最...