英语人>词典>汉英 : 霹雳舞 的英文翻译,例句
霹雳舞 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
breakdance  ·  Breakin'

break dance
更多网络例句与霹雳舞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But I don、do the rock and roll and tlle break dance.


Point of the performance was the break dance in the end.


Have you ever tried break dance?


HIP-HOP Is the general term for a variety of hip-hop, including the mechanical dance, Break dance.


I think so, because most young people like modern dances, such as rock and roll, the twist, and especially the break dance.


Jack grew up on a diet of dance music including, breakdance, Electro hip hop and house.

Jack从小就在一个受舞蹈熏陶和影响很深的环境中成长起来,霹雳舞,电子Hip Hop,House舞无所不包。8岁的他就已经是一个小有名气的霹雳舞者了,对于所爱的舞曲的执著他在15岁的时候开始了自己的DJ生涯并从此陶醉在DJ和美国仓库文化之中。

One popular form of hip-pop dance, breakdance., grew out of a need of yong people so express themselves and proe their prowess in a creative.

霹雳舞汲取了多种舞蹈风格,融合了巴西卡泼卫勒舞和其他武术形式,并且有时侯会与其它HIP-HOP 时尚互相结合。

The choreographer also talks about the ending scene of the movie, the dance audition and about how they brought in a professional break dancer to do the breakdance bits and it was a guy from Bronx They made him wear a wig and tights but he refused to shave his moustache so in the scene he hangs his head down low so you can't see it Altogether there were Jennifer + 2 dancers + a gymnast in the audition scene.


TITLES SOLO CONTEST - Winner of European 1vs1 Ultimate B-Boy session 2 - Germany 1998 - Winner of the best B-Boy at BOTY Scandinavia Sweden 2001 - Winner of the 1vs1 UK-CHAMPIONSHIP - London 2001 - Winner of the TV -show STAR SEARCH - Denmark 2004 - 4th place - REDBULL BC-ONE - Switzerland 2004 CREW CONTEST - Winner of the Scandinavian BOTY 2001.2004.2005 - Winner of the Scandinavian CIRCLE REVOLVING 2004 - Winner of the URBAN GAMES London 2006 - Winner of the HIPHOP CONECTION Italy 2006 - Winner of the BLOCK PARTY Monpellier France 2006 - Winner of the BREAKDANCE SESSION Poland 2004 - Winner of the FLOOR WARS Copenhagen Denmark 2006 - Winner of BOTY Scandinavia 2005 JUDGE - BATTLE MASTER Korea 2004 - B-BOY HODOWN Texas 2005 - THE MOST WANTED Catania Italy 2005 - CARA A CARA Valencia Spain 2005 - BOTY Poland 2005 - BOTY East Germany 2006 - BOTY France 2006 - BOTY Korea 2006 - GAMES ON DA FLOOR Igualada Spain 2006 - REDBULL BEAT BATTLE London 2006 - UK B-BOY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2006 - RED BULL BC ONE, Brazil, 2006

个人比赛奖项:- 1998年德国,欧洲极限单人对决b-boy第2季冠军- 2001年瑞典斯堪的纳维亚BOTY街舞比赛年度最佳的B -boy - 2001年英国伦敦锦标赛担单人决冠军- 2004年丹麦寻找明星电视节目选秀冠军- 2004年瑞士红牛一对一斗舞比赛第四名团体竞赛奖项:-斯堪的纳维亚BOTY街舞比赛2001.2004.2005年度冠军- 2004年的斯堪的纳维亚旋转舞比赛冠军- 2006年伦敦城市运动会冠军- 2006年意大利说唱嘻哈接龙冠军- 2006年蒙比利埃街区音乐派对冠军- 2004年波兰霹雳舞赛季冠军- 2006年丹麦哥本哈根击倒作战赛冠军- 2005年斯堪的纳维亚BOTY街舞比赛冠军曾担任的评审:- 2004年韩国战斗大师- 2005年得克萨斯州HODOWN b-boy - 2005年意大利卡塔尼亚龙虎新风云- 2005年西班牙瓦伦西亚闪舞- 2005年波兰博特街舞- 2006年东德博特街舞- 2006年法国博特街舞- 2006年韩国博特街舞- 2006西班牙伊瓜拉达游戏地板- 2006年伦敦红牛对决战- 2006年英国b-boy锦标赛- 2006年红牛斗舞比赛

Do you think I should like modelTl dances?A:I think S0,because most young people like modeYn dances,suchas rock and roll,the twist,and especially break dancings.


更多网络解释与霹雳舞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Brawn drain:劳力外流

Brain drain 脑力人才外流 | Brawn drain 劳力外流 | Break- dancing 霹雳舞

break dance:霹雳舞

作为一种流行音乐形式,它起源于70年代末纽约的贫困黑人住宅区,主要特点是以机械的节奏声为背景,快速地念诵一连串押韵的词句......嬉蹦乐,20世纪70年代末产生于美国纽约的一种街头文化,它涵盖了说唱乐、DJ的"刮擦"(Scratching)、"霹雳舞"(Break Dance)等各种活跃于街头的


用肢体在地上踩出复杂变化的脚步动作,加上刁简介: 霹雳舞(breaking)分为两种类型:用手、头、身体在地上旋转,称为大地板;用肢体在地上踩出复杂变化的脚步动作,加上刁简介: 霹雳舞(breaking)分为两种类型:用手、头、身体在地上旋转,

H: Hip-Hop:(字面意思是轻摆扭臀)说唱音乐、街头文化、霹雳舞、涂鸦、派对......总

G Green (英文直译:绿色) 青春: 青葱岁月. | H Hip-hop(字面意思是轻摆扭臀)说唱音乐、街头文化、霹雳舞、涂鸦、派对......总 | I ICQ便捷的沟通方式.

in a lump:一次全部地

break dancing 霹雳舞 | in a lump 一次全部地 | sensitive plate 灵敏板, 感光板


amazing a. 令人惊异的 | Viennese waltz 维也纳华尔兹舞 | break dance 霹雳舞



的课程有:breakdance 霹雳舞:muchmelloo dance studio

muchmelloo dance studio 的课程有:breakdance 霹雳舞 | hip hop 嘻哈舞 | popping 机械舞

Hey, dead guys don't breakdance! - What's happening, Breaker:喂,死人不会跳霹雳舞! - 怎么回事,断路器

He's got 3-inch needles in his ... | - Hey, dead guys don't breakdance! - What's happening, Breaker?|- 喂,死人不会跳霹雳舞! - 怎么回事,断路器? | - Nanomites, they're eating him. - Must be some sort of ...


5 <<霹雳舞>>(Breakin')是1984年流行的美国电影,说的是一群城市霹雳舞者受到考验与磨难的故事. 这部电影1980年代中期在中国非常卖座. 它甚至启发了第五代导演田壮壮拍摄<<摇滚青年>>. 9Andre Malraux(1901-1976),法国二十世纪重要作家,