英语人>词典>汉英 : 癫 的英文翻译,例句
癫 的英文翻译、例句

mentally deranged
更多网络例句与癫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Days after a convulsant dose of KA, the seizure susceptibility were found in KA+NS group and enhanced in KA+PL017 group, whereas significantly decreased in KA+β-FNA group (p.01).β-FNA prolonged the latency and reduced the stage of seizures in dose-dependent manner.


The seizure sensitive rats were made by subcutaneous injection of a convulsant dose (10mg/kg) of KA. Normal saline , PL017 or β-FNA were infused constantly into ventral hippocampus of awakened and freely moving animals for 7 days by mini-osmotic pumps. 7 days later, all rats were given subcutaneously with subconvulsant dose of KA.


The epilepsy model induced by kainic acid is a dynamical model condition. 5-7 days after acute seizure episodes induced by a single systemic injection of a convulsant dose (10mg/kg) of KA the rats developed a long-lasting increase in seizure susceptibility and the characteristic histopathological features in the hippocampus similar to human TLE. So the KA model has been a well-known model to study TLE or intractable epilepsy.

颞叶癎红藻氨酸(kainic acid,KA)模型具有明确的动态变化过程,一次全身性给予惊厥剂量(10mg/kg)KA诱发SD大鼠急性癎发作后5-7天,动物开始出现癎发作敏感性长期增强,脑内亦发生与人类颞叶癎相似的神经病理、神经生化及神经分子生物学方面的改变,因此被认为是研究颞叶癎和难治性癎的理想模型之一。

Don' t take what he says so seri ousl y. He's al ways goi ng gaga.

疯疯go gaga 对他的话不要太在意了,他总是疯疯的。

Result:Clinical epileptic seizures were recorded in 32 patients(33%),including generalized seizure in 4 patients,temporal seizure in 16 and extratemporal seizure in 12 ones.

结果 :共监测到 3 2例发作(3 3 %),其中全身性 4例;颞叶 16例,颞外 12例。

Meanwhile, we undertook this study to survey cognitivefunction in adult epileptic patients by auditory event-related potentials.Methods:A series of previously validated generic and disease-specific instruments wasselected to survey the QOLIE. We took the idiopathetic epileptic patients as thetrials and sex, age, education matched general people as the controls. Moodstatus was all assessed. Several factors contribute to QOLIE were evaluated.

以确诊的原发性癎病人为实验组,使用癎生活质量量表(QOLIE-31)附加世界卫生组织生存质量量表中文版简表(WHOQOL-BREF)评定 QOLIE;以年龄、性别、文化程度匹配的一般人群为对照组,使用 WHOQOL-BREF评定 QOL;对两组均应用症状自评量表评价心境健康;分析性别、病程、发作类型、发作频率、抗癎药(Anti-epileptic drugs,AEDs)、情绪障碍等各种影响因素的作用。

Sleep-deprivation EEG was performed individually. Results The sleep deprivation EEG showed slow background electric activity in all 3 groups. In addition, the rates of EEG abnormality for nonepileptic seizures group were zero, no statistics were computed because F was a constant. Fifty-seven cases showed spindle/sharp-slow wave complex in suspected epileptic children.

结果 所有病例脑电图的背景电活动频率均明显变慢,非癎发作组38例睡眠EEG诱发试验均为阴性,因其诱发试验前后数据一致,故该组无统计意义;拟诊癎组脑电图有棘/尖慢复合波等癎样放电者57例(559%);对照组诱发后脑电图异常出现2例(1.9%)癎样放电者,3组比较有非常显著差异(x^2=97.3 P0.01)。

Hewever the caspase-3 expression was still very high in cortex. Conclusion: In KA model the hippocampus amygdala plays a key role in epilepsy. Therefore it provides a mimic optimal conditions for human temporal lobe epilepsy study. Its an effective method of studying the development, change and pathopoiesis of epilepsy. There is a close relationship between NPY and epilepsy. The regulation of NPY via VPA may be one of the antiepilepsy mechanism of mechanism of VPA. Moreover NGF can enhance the caspase-3 expression. Excito-amino acid can aggravate the apoptosis, which may be one of the reason for intractability of epilepsy.


Go gaga 疯疯癫癫 Don't take what he says so seriously.


Don't take what he says so seriously. He's always going gaga.

疯疯 go gaga 对他的话不要太在意了,他总是疯疯的。

更多网络解释与癫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Atropa belladonna:{秋水仙}{癫茄}

Atriplex hastata {金蓬科(滨藜)} | Atropa belladonna {秋水仙}{茄} | Atylosia scarabaeoides {蔓草虫豆}


[文摘]:目的 癎(epilepsy)是临床较常见的难治性、发作性疾患.癎的发作是脑的神经元群反复性过度放电的结果.癎的发病机制尚未完全明了,但最后通路不外是脑内兴奋与抑制失去平衡.以往癎机制的研究大多集中于引起神经元异常放电的上游分子,

She's a bit of a nutcase:她有点疯疯癫癫的

7. How much did the trip set you back? 花了多少钱? | 8. She's a bit of a nutcase. 她有点疯疯的. | 9. But her heart is in the right place. 她人还不错.

The nuttiness and paralysis:疯疯癫癫还瘫痪

Even better.|更好了 | The nuttiness and paralysis|疯疯还瘫痪 | mean there's definitely a neurological component.|意味着一定有某个神经部件出问题

he has a screw aloose/missing:疯疯癫癫的

screw around 鬼混,闲逛 | he has a screw aloose/missing 疯疯的, | have one's head screwed properly 保持冷静

She turned you into this untrusting, crazy, jealous:她害你变成不信任别人 疯疯癫癫爱吃醋的

286. Excuse me? 你说什么? | 287. She turned you into this untrusting,crazy,jealous... 她害你变成不信任别人 疯疯爱吃醋的... | 288. ...sycophant! ...谗臣

as mad as a hatter:疯疯癫癫;像三月的野兔一样疯野

as mad as a buck发狂;疯狂 | as mad as a hatter疯疯;像三月的野兔一样疯野 | as mad as mud[俚语]发火,暴跳如雷

Mad as a hatter:疯疯癫癫,狂怒

Love game 败方得分为零的比赛 | Mad as a hatter 疯疯,狂怒 | Moonlighting 同时兼两个职的人

go gaga:疯疯癫癫

牐燱hen you are there with them, play to the score. 到那儿,你要见机行事. | 牐燝o gaga 疯疯 | 牐燘e quick to take offense生气

have a screw loose [missing]:疯疯癫癫的, 精神不正常的; 有点神经病的

give a nut a good screw 扭紧螺母 | have a screw loose [missing] 疯疯的, 精神不正常的; 有点神经病的 | put a screw on 对...施加压力, 逼迫